9 Unexpected Benefits Of Having An Indian Best Friend



Ain’t nobody like your desi girl. Or your desi guy, as the case may be.

1. First things first: You regularly get to eat some of the best foods in the world.

Because you know that Indian food is so much more than just chicken tikka masala and naan.

2. You watch more insane Bollywood movies than you ordinarily would.

19 Unexpected Benefits Of Having An Indian Best Friend

Because a live translator is a lot more fun than poorly translated subtitles.


3. You’ve been made aware of some truly mindblowing pieces of eye-candy.

Brown gets down, man.


4. And all your playlists are a lot more exciting because of your brown BFF’s song recommendations.

And all your playlists are a lot more exciting because of your brown BFF's song recommendations.

5. You can understand – and therefore appreciate – the classiest sport of all.

19 Unexpected Benefits Of Having An Indian Best Friend

6. You get to participate fully and authentically in some of the world’s coolest holiday traditions.

7. You have the best dancemoves at any party you attend.

8. Having been raised on your Bollywood, this friend is hopelessly romantic, which is good to have around.

19 Unexpected Benefits Of Having An Indian Best Friend

9. You can ask them all of your dumb* questions about India without fear of being judged.

19 Unexpected Benefits Of Having An Indian Best Friend




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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .