Industrial Law Syllabus and Reference Books





UBMSFSII.2 : INDUSTRIAL LAW [50 lectures : 3 Credit]


The objectives of the course are:


  1. The subject should be taught keeping in mind that the BMS students will be joining the industry, therefore the emphasis should be on the practical aspect and uses of Industrial Law by the Organisation.
  1. To sensitize the students to the tasks of industrial relations, and,
  2. To familiarize them with the current IR practices



Units Name of the topic No. of
Unit I Laws related to Industrial Relations and Industrial Disputes 15
  1. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947: Definition, Authorities,
  Awards, Settlements, Strikes Lockouts, Lay Offs,  
  Retrenchment and Closure  
  1. The Trade Union Act, 1926
Unit II Laws related to Health, Safety and Welfare 13
  1. The Factory Act 1948: (Provisions related to Health, Safety
  and Welfare)  
  1. The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 Provisions –
  A) The doctrine of assumed risk  
  B) The doctrine of Common Employment  
  C) The doctrine of Contributory Negligence  
  III-Employers liability for compensation (S-3 to 13  
  IV-Rules as to Compensation (Sec 4 to Sec 9) (14 A & 17)  
Unit III Social Legislation 08
  1. Employee State Insurance Act 1948: Definition and
  Employees Provident Fund  
  1. Miscellaneous Provision Act 1948: Schemes,
  Administration and determination of dues  
Unit IV Laws Related To Compensation Management 14
  1- The payment of Wages Act 1948: Objectives, Definition,  
  Authorised Deductions  
  2- Payment of Bonus Act, 1965  
  3- The Payment Of Gratuity Act, 1972  


Reference Books:


Industrial and Labour Laws Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Bharat Law HP Ltd
Labour and Industrial Laws S.N Misra Central Law Publication
Labour and Industrial Laws P.K.Padhi Eastern Economy Edition
Commercial and Industrial Law S.K. Dasgupta Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd
Industrial Law Mr. N.D. Kapoor Sultan Chand
Employee’s Provident Fund Chopra D.S Labour Law Agency
Industrial Law Mr. P.L. Mallick Sultan Chand
Essence of Personnel Management and Cowling Prentice – Hall
Industrial Relations    



(P.S. The syllabus has been updated on 12th November 2014 as per the revised 2014-15 syllabus)


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