Information Technology Management


Information Technology throughout the world has become a very important component of business & can be excelled to carry on efficient business, provided it’s managed properly. This stands as a major challenge for business today as the technology has to match  today’s modern day processes. This challenge is taken up by the IT Managers & professionals who help in formulating various IT processes & modules.


The IT Managers jointly carry on development of business strategies, of which the implementation is led by the CEO & CIO. It is important for companies today to match up to the highly acclaimed business strategies and integrate them well with the technology. Every firm sets up their own strategic goals which are aligned in their priorities and have various steps set up to achieve them. Management the applications implemented towards new business stands as the primary responsibility. It is important to set up the organizational structure which is generally branched out into project teams and subunits. These units are also held responsible for managing the entire infrastructure of hardware, software, databases, telecommunications networks and other IT resources which are required to be operated and monitored with professional help. The business IT planning process has been divided into various steps are Strategic Development, where a very highly competitive global market it is very essential to use IT to develop e- business systems that focus on the consumers. The very well integrated e-business modules & e-commerce strategies have helped business grow on a very strong path as they gradually have an increase their client base. Therefore, strategy holds the key to success in business development which is at the forefront of all growing multinationals. Resource Management, where the technological architecture requires various resources to be place. Be it network resources, personnel & other data resources. It stands very important for these resources to be in place if the business goals and strategies are to be implemented in the best possible way. Technological Development holds a very important component of business today. This is mainly due to fast developing technology which also acts as a competitive aspect of the company. The companies allot a major proportion of their financial expenditure to this development as this helps increase the functional operations of the business.


In an IT company, the formation of Applications Portfolio is designed to support the e-business modules which are also used in cross-functional business processes. Along with application formation comes the forming of the structure with IS function which helps to understand the managerial abilities & therefore getting a business vision in place. These above functions also form an integral part of the planning process in the business. The IT sector all around the world has gone through immense change throughout the years & this has taken place due to diverse factors which have affected technological & data aspects of the business. The intranet & extranet development through companies have developed two folds, therefore allowing better network connections between the companies. Though the prices have increased to maintain the computers and data channels but in the long run this is to prove advantageous for the companies.

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Khushaal Talreja
• Aspire to be an inspirational and entrepreneurial leader who will lead from the front, with qualities of positive mental attitude and an engaging & challenging approach. • Showcase my leadership & multi-tasking skills in the corporate world. • To put theoretical knowledge to the best practical use in the work I perform.


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