Infosys And Microsoft Strategic Alliance Case Study For Practice


Strategic alliance case study

These days many businesses fail because of lack of strategic focus and strategic direction. Firms that do not engage themselves in meaningful strategic planning lead to failure by internal problems and lack of focus. The difference between the firms that succeed and that fail is the way in which strategic planning is carried out in their firm. If the strategic planners don’t receive support from the management, then strategic planning is not carried out. However, the long-term viability and success of the firm in the marketplace depends on the strategic management, planning and control.

Here we present Infosys and Microsoft Alliance Case Study for Practice:

Infosys Technologies Ltd., an IT transformation leader is constantly in the verge of developing the best technology to help its customers meet their business goals. The company has set its mind in inverting a new technology for all the automobile dealers, those who share the inventory information and other resources in an easier manner. It wanted to offer a cloud based solution so that it would be simple to organize the data and easy to scale up. To create this venture, the company required cloud based database which originated with Microsoft SQL data services. Hence, Infosys decided to form alliances with Microsoft to create solution for automobile dealers which can replicate to meet the similar integration needs for healthcare, hospitals, insurance and other vertical industries.

The implementation of technology is based on the web and star standards. The SQL Data Services (SDS) offers highly scalable and internet-facing distributed services for storing and processing relational queries. The technology helps the developers to create new application with REST and SOAP based web protocols. These services are built on robust Microsoft SQL database and Windows Server technologies providing high quality output and security.

The SDS and REST of Microsoft provided the robust cloud based database to support hub based integration. The relevant resources were shared among the companies to work effectively.

The company obtained the best platform such that it could build its cloud based solution which was inexpensive. The scalability option made the company implement new participants to the cloud based solution.

Both the organizations earned profits from this venture and expanded their growth towards providing more solutions to its customers.


Q.1) Explain any 2 types of strategies.

Q.2) Why do you think Infosys formed an alliance with Microsoft?

Q.3) How did Infosys benefit from the alliance?

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