Insight of the Event Corporaiders: The BMS Phenomena


Corporaiders (2) 2014 (589x600)

Corporaiders is an event where we look to give the generation an eventful outlook, about the challenges they are going to face in the corporate world.  

  Corporaiders is an intercollegiate event and it has successfully completed 3 years and is continuing with its 4th year, it consists of beautifully designed events which specifically focuses on corporate world.

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This year Fest consists of 7 different  events

  1. Quizzers:

Quizzers is an event in which series of questions will be asked based on G.K, current affairs and corporate affairs divided into 3 levels.

             It’s an individual event and only 5 participants will reach the last i.e 3rd round and only 2 will be declared as winner

  1. Power of Imagination:

 It is an event in which the participant will be shown an object or image and they will be a time period of 30 seconds to think something “Out of the box” seeing that imager or object and contestants have to speak on it for a minute.

  1. Logo creation:

In this event the participants will be given an hypothetical industry/company and its related detail will be given about the company/ industry and they have to create relevant logo using their creativity and logical sense in the time duration of 30 minutes

  1. Presentation:

CSR means “Corporate Social Responsibility as the name of the events suggest the participants have to come up with a CSR activity for an existing company or any company of their choice and they will have to present it in the given time period.

  1. Director’s cut:

 In this event contestants have to make a short film on any social topic. The movie should be of 10-12 minutes duration and the movie should convey a social message

  1. Sell it well:

 Contestants will be given a product, and they have to design marketing strategies for that particular product on the spot.

    The marketing strategies should be convincing enough to convince the judges and as well as audience  

  1. Corporate Showbizz:

 It’s an individual fashion show event which would exhibit the overall corporate personality which would be evaluated on various grounds. (Question answer series, gestures, body language, etc.)

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