Inspira 2014


INSPIRA a BMS event started as an initiative to encourage the future managers to grow and to think out of the box. It started in the month of January 4 years back in 2011. INSPIRA has come a long way from been a just a start, a ray of hope to becoming a successful and glorious event.

INSPIRA has many departments which work as a team and encourages each other to work better. The organising committee works professionally every year with co-ordination

Now Inspira is back in 2014 with a bang. This year event likes PPT fiesta, corporate charisma, Retro stock and Innoventure a new event are there. PPT fiesta is a presentation event in which the students have to choose from the given topic and present on it. It is the best event to enhance your presentation skills It is the only event which is been continued from last 4 years and is a huge success. As a future manager making and presenting is a day to day job. We try to encourage people to present in front of professionals and know how to improve and do better.

Corporate charisma is a happening event of INSPIRA 2014. It’s a 2 day event of corporate fashion show. It’s basically redefining your smartness. It provides an opportunity to experience fashion along with corporate attitude.

In retro stock INSPIRA try to replicate the stock market of 70’s and 80’s. It gives an experience to all the participants know how the stock market actually worked. Retro stock was a huge success and received many participants last year i.e. 2013 due to which it had to continue and is back this year with a bang. An artificial situation is created of retro stock focusing on the stock market played in retro period. It is just like buying and selling of shares.

Innoventure means pitching up your new business ideas. It’s a new event which started off this year. It is about making strategies for product. Here participants have to pitch in investors for new ideas i.e. new product and new service.

INSPIRA has received a huge footfall every year. Around hundreds of students participate every year and go back with lot of experience and certificate and get motivation. People receive feedbacks and suggestions from professionals. It helps them to get better and present themselves in corporate world in a better way. Students hopefully wait for INSPIRA every year.

Every year it gets more sponsors and more and more participants. Inspira comes up with new event every year like in 2013 Inspira came up with a social initiative Cause IT.

INSPIRA has always been about motivating students and as all the organising is done by the students its elves so they develop skills like marketing and public relations. The aim of every student in Inspira is to make the best student and a memorable event for each ad everyone. The committee wants to make Inspira the top most event in Mumb ai, which will happens soon.

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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