Inspirational Rags To Riches Destiny Story : Jyothi Reddy



  • Jyothi Reddy is the CEO of a software company named Keys Software Solutions in U.S.
  • She was born in 1970 as the youngest among the 5 girl children to an ordinary poor peasant who had lost his job during emergency.
  • Due to her family financial situation, she had to be admitted to a welfare orphanage BALASADAN for 5 long years where she had to claim that she was a motherless child.
  • Instead of getting down with the situation, Jyothi developed a strong will to make her future bright by promising to work hard and better for her life.
  • She completed her 10th class with good marks in a government school and took vocational courses.
  • Jyothi started to work in superintendent’s house with their household work and thought of different ways to get into a job.
  • Although she made a full stop to her studies in 10th std, she was still passionate about her education.
  • She got married at tender age of 16 to her cousin and by the age of 18, she became a mother of 2 girl children.
  • To meet the basic requirements of the family, Jyothi started working as an agricultural labourer for 5 Rupees a day from 1986 to 1989.
  • Her life changed when Nehru Yuvak Kendra (NYK), a Central Government scheme which found a night school with the intention of providing basic education for the villagers.
  • Since she was the only learned lady in her village, she was appointed as a trainer for Rupees 150 a month.
  • But still this money was not sufficient to run the family, so she started stitching petticoats at night to make more money.
  • She also learned typewriting and fought with her family and society to let her do what she wanted to do.
  • She got back to her studies  and obtained a B.A. from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University in 1994.
  • She studied for a Postgraduate degree from the Kakatiya University on weekends and obtained it in 1997.
  • All this made her get a special teacher job for Rs. 398 per month.
  • To reach her school, she had to travel for 2 hours and in that time, she used to sell sarees to her co-passengers, giving her extra income.
  • This showed that she utilized her available time creatively.
  • She got a regular job and made decent amount of money.
  • But she didn’t settle with it as her passion to reach higher level was haunting her.
  • A relative in U.S. suggested her to search for a job in U.S.
  • She started taking computer courses and went to U.S. leaving her 2 daughters in missionary hostel.
  • She took up many jobs like of baby sitter, gas station, video shop, loading/unloading goods for her survival.
  • With the help of a close relative, she got a job in CS America as close recruiter.
  • But even there she didn’t settle as she wanted to start her own business.
  • It was when she visited Mexico for stamping, she realized to start a consulting company as she was aware of paperwork involved in Visa processing.
  • She opened a office in Phoenix in 2011 with her savings of $40000 and is successful since then.
  • Her 2 daughters moved to U.S. and completed their education in American schools.
  • Apart from her venture, she has now joined hands with NGOs Prajadharana Welfare Society, MV Foundation and Child Rights Advocacy Forum (CRAF) and formed a Pressure Group Force for Orphans Rights and Community Empowerment (FORCE).
  • She aims to help all young orphans between 18-35 age group to get financial independence using vocational training.
  • She is also working on her vision which empowers the rural women with skills and makes them self-sufficient.
  • This is how a girl from a village created her own destiny and went to the top of the world and started helping many.


Inspirational Quote


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