Inspiring Young Millionaires: Jon Reynolds

swiftkey co founders
Swiftkey co-founders Joy Reynolds and Ben Medlock

A brilliant viable idea is what you need to have in order to succeed. However, an idea alone cannot earn you millions. Overcoming challenges and perseverance is a true key to success. And that’s what Joy Reynolds had in him while launching his startup Swiftkey in 2008.

The London-based startup Swiftkey eliminates your frustration of inputting text in smart phones devices by replacing it with artificial-intelligence-driven keyboard that analysis your typing  and language pattern to accurately forecast which words users will enter next.

Reynolds conceived this idea when he witnessed his colleague struggling to enter text using a Blackberry keyboard. Reynolds started exploring solutions in collaboration with Ben Medlock, a fellow University of Cambridge graduate whose Ph.D. studies included natural language and information processing.


Once Swiftkey recognizes your typing pattern, the engine automatically and accurately anticipated the next word you are going to type, improving your typing experience. One-third of the app’s suggestio­ns are correct on the first attempt; more than 80 percent of the time, users don’t need to press more than two letters before SwiftKey fills in the rest. The software also helps clean up grammar and spelling errors. 

Introduced for Google’s Android mobile operating system in 2010, SwiftKey Keyboard leverages a proprietary prediction engine that probes the relationships between more than a trillion words, concurrently examining and recording user behaviors across platforms like SMS, e-mail, Facebook and Twitter. 

The company has raised more than $20 million in funding from investors like Accel Partners and Index Ventures. More than 30 million Android device users have downloaded SwiftKey Keyboard. It prevailed as Google Play’s bestselling paid productivity app for two years and topped download charts in almost 60 countries. Add in software licensing partnerships with manufacturers like Samsung, and SwiftKey is now installed on more than 200 million devices worldwide. 

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The Company’s latest evolution is that they scrapped the $3.99 price tag making it free for all. Also, it sights on iOS 8. Swiftkey has more than 70 languages as well as subsequent updates and enhancements. Additionally, the firm has rolled out SwiftKey Healthcare, which tailors its predictive features to the medical professional lexicon.

Jon Reynolds quoted that mobile were the future, improving users typing experience presented a massive opportunity. See how he envisioned a new and innovative thing. I guess inclination of entrepreneur’s success is based on his vision and how he capitalizes the opportunity!

-Vatsal Doshi 

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