Interested about CAREER IN SALES


Here’s what everyone interested in sales  should know; With companies increasing their focus towards customer , sales and marketing has become an important corporate function. Winning the new customers and maintaining relationship with them is actually the need of the hour. Sales and marketing job is a practical, on the ball function. You should make yourself prepared for the changes in the job as the only thing that would be constant in this job is change.

The best part of a career in sales is that it is undefined. It is hard to describe your typical day as a sales person because everyday is different. One day you are on the internet researching prospective clients, along the way, learning a great deal about the company and, perhaps a new industry. The next few days may be spent calling these clients and then an entire week may be in face-to-face sales calls. On the other day you maybe writing up sales call reports and preparing proposals for clients. Some sales positions allow you to work out of your home office, others require travelling and still others will allow you to do both. 

Sales is actually the process of problem solving for a potential buyer or enhancing his/her business. Salespeople develop the skills to discover needs and solve problems. Contrary to the viewpoint often held by people who don’t understand selling, the most successful salespeople sell by asking questions, not delivering a “spiel” or “talking someone into something they don’t need.” The old cliché is that a good salesperson can sell sand in the desert. However, the successful salesperson doesn’t follow this mentality, but will walk away from a potential order because her product/service doesn’t help the potential buyer.

Good salespeople sell what customers really need

Not everyone is suited for a career in sales and marketing. The core skills that a person needs are persuasiveness, commercial awareness, a pleasing personality and self motivation. Success in sales isn’t exclusively for ‘wheeler dealer’ type personalities, but is more likely to be achieved by smart professional people with a good ear for listening. The individual must be able to perform well under pressure. Sales and marketing people should love meeting people and interact with them. The ability to network is also of utmost importance.

By the way, learn how to accept rejections. It will happen whether you’re a beginner or a veteran; some people will turn you down even before you speak. Don’t be discouraged right away. Move on to your next prospect. Remember the reasons why you went into sales. If you’re persuasive enough, then you will definitely get that feeling of success and accomplishment that even if you didn’t make that sale, you know that you did your best. Bear in mind that first impressions last and you just got to build a nice, proper and warm relationship with your clients!

Potential in sales 

A top sales person may have their own sales staff, gaining commissions from the members’ efforts as well as her own. In many cases, it is quite natural for an employer to advance a successful sales person, allowing that person her own group or team of sales people to train and nurture along. As those people do well, so should the sales manager’s personal earnings increase. Of course, a career sales comes with money – and lots of it. Sales agents often receive commission on top of a base salary, meaning you make money and then some.

Sales is the place for a motivated individual with a desire to succeed. In sales, the sky’s the limit.

Future in sales

Considering the growth of the Indian economy, sales and marketing would be a high career growth sector. The companies in India are growing bigger and bigger with international companies also joining in the country resulting in a good hiring and good remuneration for professionals in this field. To retain the talent the companies would provide their employees with good packages and benefits.

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