Interesting Facts About Networking And Types Of Networking


In BMS sector, there are many students which have less knowledge related to IT subject. Networking and types of networking is the common topic which every BMS student should know about it.

Nearly all businesses, whatever their size, use some form of network. As soon as two or more computers are used, they need to communicate with each other so they can share common files, or business related information from one system to another. In simple words networking can be defined as, “When two or more computers are joined together then they are capable of exchanging information, they can form a network”

A computer network is a network using which we can connect computers and other electronic equipments, so they can communicate, exchange information and share resources in real time. Computer networks enables multiple user to access share data and program instantly.


Advantages of networking.

1) Files can be stored only on the main central computer, allowing data to be shared throughout the organization.

2) It also allows security to e established, ensuring that the network users may only have access to certain files and applications.

3) Users can access their files from any workstation.

4) One laser printer, scanner etc. can be used for various computers.

5) Data can be secured very easily.


Types of network- There are five types of network they are,

1) Local area network. (LAN) – These are the networks with Clients that are in close physical proximity-within the same building. LAN covers a distance which is less than a mile and are owned and operated by individual organizations. LAN are widely used by Companies, Colleges, Universities, etc. In large organization similar data is required by various departments and storing in each departments leads to wastage of memory. To overcome this problems, LAN is used in an organization to connect various terminals in the form of microcomputers.

2) Wide area network (WAN) – WAN is companywide, countrywide, or worldwide networks. It is an extension of the idea of LAN system, covering a vast geographical area, often a country. They use microwave Transmission or satellite link etc. The distance involved in WAN will be from 1KM to possibly thousands of KM. WAN include all the networks which are involved in transporting information from one geographic location to another. Data transfer rates on WAN’s are appreciable slower than the LAN’s. The widest of all WAN’s is the “INTERNET”

3)  Controller area network (CAN) – It is a vehicle bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other within a vehicle without a host computer. It was designed specifically for automotive applications but is now also used in other areas.

4) Metropolitan area network (MAN) – These are the network spanning across within cities, hence knows as metro networks. They are also known as regional network. MAN’s span distance up to 100 miles. These network are frequently used as links between office buildings that are located throughout a city. It is generally owned by group of companies. The network size falls intermediate between LAN’s and WAN’s. A MAN typically covers an area of between 5 to 50 km range. Many MAN’s cover an area the size of a city, although in some cases MAN’s may be as small as a group of buildings. It has the same technology as that of LAN. However it is spread over a metropolitan region.

5) Home area network (HAN) – A HAN is  a network contained within a user’s home that connects a person’s digital devices, from multiple computers and their peripheral devices to telephones, VCR’s, televisions, Video games, Home security system and other digital devices that are wired into the network. A home network is a residential local area network, and is used to connect multiple devices within the home.





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