Interesting Facts About Sun TV COO’s Arrest That You Do Not Know


1) On December 26 2014, Sun TV’s Chief cooperating officer (COO), C Praveen was arrested on complaints of sexual harassment filed by a former staff of the television network.

2) At 5 am Police team stormed into his house in Anna Nagar and picked him up. A former staff of Surya TV, sister concern of Sun TV, filed a case against him.

3) Preethi(name changed) quit her job 5 months ago after being sexually harassed by him. She also submitted a complaint to the police against Praveen for harassing her continuously.

4) To substantiate her claim, she also submitted the WhatsApp conversations, messages and call records to the police.

5) By the inquiries it was confirmed that Preethi had suffered mental and physical torture. Chennai police commissioner S George forwarded the complaint to CCB to probe further.

Images Of The COO’s Arrest:-

0 arrest arrested Sun_TV_arrest_650  suncoo_held suntv-kNHH--621x414@LiveMint


Videos Of The COO’s Arrest:-



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Aisha Khan

Hello there. I am Aisha Khan, studying Bms First year in Ritumbara College.


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