Interesting Unknown Facts Of Sachin Pilot



The story goes of the prodigal son, although this son has studied at the Wharton Business School in Washington, and was the youngest Member of Parliament in the Lok Sabha elections of 2004.

Sachin Pilot is the son of the deceased Rajesh Pilot, who was the Internal Security Minister in 1999.Pilot is one of the youngest leaders in Rahul Gandhi’s team, who did a no-show in the recent Lok Sabha elections. Pilot is also the youngest ever Congress president in Rajasthan’s history.

Pilot focuses on small, but intimate rallies, and fights from Ajmer. Pilot was the IT and corporate affairs in UPA-2,with the general public  supporting him ,with his report card being flashed on news channel being positive and changing.

Pilot is married to Sara Abdullah, daughter of Farooq Abdullah, and has two sons Aaran and Vehaan .


– Shlomoh Samuel


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