Internal and External Public Relations Specialization


Internal and External Public Relations Specialization

Public relation is a matter of vital importance to profit and non-profit organizations alike. Consequently, a basic process of communication, on either an advanced or a restricted level, is present in any organization. However, in the course of the decade or so, certain social and business influences have acted upon the organizations calling for a more thorough and balanced approach to communications with their external and  internal public.

Public relation is a two-way communications between the organization and the target group.

(a)    To resolve conflict of interest,

(b)   Seeking common ground or area of mutual interest,

(c)    Establishing understanding based on trust, knowledge and complete information. That is the process, purpose and practice of professional PR

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rohit patil

i am guy very passionate about management and therefore i opted BMS planning for MBA in ahead but needs some ground level experience.


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