International Finance Important Question Bank 2014 – Shreya Classes


Short Notes:

1) Arbitrage

2) Speculation

3) PPP theory

4) Central Bank Intervention

5) Market Stabilisation Scheme (MSS)

6) List the features of offshore Financial Centres (OFC’s)

7) Enumerate the features of GDR’s

8) What are advantages of GDR’s to the issuing company and investors?

9) Management of reserves is a balancing act. What is the role of RBI in this area?

10) Convertibility of a currency is a two-edge sword, why?

11) Foreign Currency Swaps

12) Foreign currency Futures


Distinguish Between

1) Autonomous and Accomodating transactions.

2) Arbitrage and Speculation

3) Devaluation and Depreciation

4) Fixed and Flexible Exchange rate systems.

5) Merchant Transactions and Interbank Transactions

6) Euro-currency Bonds and Credits (Loans)

7) Euro-currency Bonds and Notes.

8) Forward Contracts and Futures Contracts

9) Futures Contracts and Option Contracts


1) Fiat Currency

2) Correspondent Bank

3) Balance of Trade

4) Cross currency Rates

5) Spread / % Spread

6) Pips/ Points

7) Tom / Value tomorrow Contract / Rate

8) Forward Contract / Rate

9) Premium and Discount

10) Outright forward rates

11) Clean or Free Float

12) Dirty or Managed Float

13) Merchant rates

14) Ready rates


16) Offshore Bonds

17) Collared Bonds

18) Book-runners

19) Hot money

20) Hedge Funds

21) Authorised Dealers (AD’s)

22) Inter-bank Market

23) Translation Risk

24) Daylight limit

25) Stop-loss limit

26) American and European options


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