1. Float
2. RBI intervension/ managed float
3. FDI vs FPI
4. Hotmoney / Petro dollars
5. Offshore finance centers
6. Authorized dealers
8. BIS
9. ECB
10. Factors contributing to growth of Euro Cuurency
11. Euro currency bond
12. Features of foreign exchange market
13. Types of hedging
14. Types of risk
15. Capital account convertibility
16. Option vs futures
Numerical on
1. Spread/ mid rate/ inverse/ direct quotes
2. AFM/ Forward formula and table method
3. 3 way arbitrage
4. Investment and borrowing
5. Interest rate arbitrage
1. IMF and SDR
2. Current account defecit
3. Oil prices and BOP
4. Devaluation on Chinese currency
For any further clarifications: Buzz Prof Vipin Saboo on 9820779873