International Marketing MCC Prelims Question Paper 2013


International marketing

        I.            SECTION I is compulsory.

II.            Answer any three from SECTION II.

III.            Figures to right indicate full marks.

Section I

Q.1) explain the following concepts.

  1. Specific factors influencing pricing
  2. IRMAC
  3. Franchising and licensing
  4. Marginal costing
  5. International market profile

Q.2) read the following case study and answers the following questions

Balsara hygiene product ltd. Which had some successful household hygiene product introduced in 1988, a toothpaste, and promise, with clove oil as a unique selling preposition? By 1988, promise captured a market share of 20% and became the second largest selling toothpaste brand in India. There was however, an erosion of its market share later because of the fighting back of the multinationals Hindustan levers close up gel appealed to the consumer particularly to the teens and young’s very well and toppled promise from the second position.

With the help of EXIM bank export marketing export finance and development assistance, Balsara entered the Malaysian market with promise and another brand of toothpaste MISWAK.

The emphasis on the clove oil ingredient of the promise evoked good response in Malaysia too. There was good response to MISWAK also in the MUSLIM dominated Malaysia. Its promotion highlighted the fact that MISWAK was a plant that had been used for centuries as a tooth-cleaning twig. It had references in Koran, quoting from FAZAIL-E-MISWAK, it was pointed out the prophet Mohammad used MISWAK before sleeping at night and after awakening. This religious appeal in the promotion was reinforced by the findings of scientists all over the world influencing Arabic ones. One of the antibacterial property of clove and its ability to prevent tooth decay and gums.

Market intelligence revealed that there was a growing preference in the advanced countries for nature-based products. Balsara tried up with Auromere imports inc. (AII). America. 8 months of intensive R and D enabled Balsara to develop toothpaste containing 24 herbal ingredients that would satisfy the required parameter. Auromere was voted as the No.1 toothpaste in North Eastern USA in a US health magazine survey in 2001.

The product line was extended by introducing several variants to Auromere. Saccharine free toothpaste was introduced. It was found that mint and menthol were taboo for users of homeopathic medicines. So a product free of such mints were developed. Auromere fresh mint for the young and Auromere cina mint containing a combination of cinamanon and peppermint was introduced. When the company realized that Auromere was doing well in Germany because of the foaming agents used in product, it introduced a chemical free variant of the product.


I.            Explain the environmental factors, which Balsara ltd. used to its advantage.                                 (8)

II.            With reference to above case study, explain the role of MNC and their impact in India.             (7)


Q.3) Define international marketing and its objectives                                                                                    (10)

Q.4) Discuss the impact of trade barriers                                                                                                            (10)

Q.5) what do you understand by oversees distribution channels? Discuss the various channels of distribution available for exporting                                                                                                                     (10)

Q.6) State the factors influencing packaging decisions in international marketing                                   (10)

Q.7) Write short notes (any2)                                                                                                                              (10)

I.            FDI

II.            Components of international business environment

III.            MODVAT



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Muthu Konar

a proud BMSite from V.k.krishna menon college, bhandup (E).


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