International Marketing Mumbai University April 2012 Exam Question Paper



Duration – 2 hours

Total Marks – 60

1) All questions in Section I are compulsory.

2) Attempt any 3 more questions from Section II.

Section I

Q. 1) Explain the following concepts: (15 marks)

a) MNC

b) Transport Packaging

c) Direct / Indirect Exporting

d) FDI

e) Factors Influencing Pricing Policy

Q. 2) Case Study

Dr. Mukerji was domiciled in U.S.A. for the last 18 years, after getting his masters in Food Technology from the University of California.

Dr. Mukerji was thinking of returning to India and settling down in his hometown Bangalore, to set up a plant to produce high protein products in India. Dr. Mukerji noticed the availability of Soyabean in abundance in his hometown and carried out several experiments in his laboratory and developed, what he called “Soyabean Milk”. He felt that for India, with a majority of children being undernourished, this would be an ideal product.

Soyabean Milk would have percentage of normal milk, water and different raw materials added to give it a high protein value. Since it will be pasteurized, refrigeration will not be needed and will have almost same or better life than average milk. It would cost about 15% more than regular milk, which he felt was justified due to its high protein values. To obtain the same proteins, medicines and other substitutes would be much more costlier.

As he was miles away from the potential market, he wanted to ascertain the feasibility of the project.

He had several questions. Some of these were:

a) Whether the tradition-bound Indian population accept a new concept like Soyabean Milk?

b) In which town should be set up his plant and of what capacity?

c) What are the distribution channels he should use?

d) In which form should be introduce Soyabean Milk? By adding flavours, can it be introduced a competitive product to the existing soft drinks market?

Technically, he was confident of his product, but wanted to ascertain the market-wise commercial feasibility of the product. Two companies do have similar products, however they are very costly. However, Dr. Mukerji is confident about the superior quality of his concept and product.


a) What type of information should Dr. Mukerji collect preliminarily for setting up this project? (7 marks)

b) What type of strategies would you recommend for marketing of “Soyabean Milk” in India for him? (8 marks)


Section II

3) Explain International Marketing and its advantages – 10 marks

4) What are the factors for package design in International Markets? – 10 marks

5) Write the role of non-price factors in pricing decisions in International Markets? – 10 marks

6) What are the constraints in entering global markets? – 10 marks

7) Write short notes on the following: – 10 marks

a) Components of International Business Environment

b) Role of MNCs in International Trade.


Answers to this question paper would be updated soon on 🙂


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