International Marketing Mumbai University October 2012 Exam Question Paper



Duration : 2 hours

Total Marks : 60

1) All questions in Section I are compulsory.

2) Attempt any 3 more questions from Section II.

Section I

Q. 1) Explain following concept: – 15 marks

a) Trading Bloc

b) Tariff and Non-Tariff Barrier

c) Packaging

d) Break even price

e) Market Segmentation

Q. 2) Case study:

A new Asian Development Bank report lauds the rise of the Indian middle class and projects it as the engine of global growth. The report states that the Asian middle class will dominate the next 2 decades. India will cross a billion by 2030. The report further states that Asia’s emerging consumers are likely to assume the traditional role of the US and European middle class as global consumers and play a key role in rebalancing the World’s economy. The traditional definition of middle class covers those who have not inherited wealth, hold regular jobs and enjoy a degree of financial security that allows them to consume and save and support the maintenance of law and order.

ADB report splits the middle class into 3 sub-sections: Lower middle class ($2 – $ 4), Middle class ($4 – $ 10) and Upper Middle Class ($10 – $20). The vast majority of the Indian Middle Class i.e. 82% of it or 224 million people fit into the first category. Since $ 1 PPP is Rs. 17,256. This means that the vast majority of the Indian Middle Class earns between Rs.1035 to Rs.2070. The report shows that middle class Indians Systematically define themselves as poorer than they actually are in surveys. Even by this stingy definition, in all of developing Asia- Only Nepal, Laos, Bangladesh and Uzbekistan have a middle class that is a smaller proportion of the total population than in India. China’s middle class is 63% of population and Sri Lanka’s 59%.


a) Do you agree that Indian middle class will fuel global growth in the next decade? – 5 marks

b) Would you support the view that Indian middle class will rebalance the world economy? – 5 marks

c) Along with the rise of Indian Middle Class, will India attract more FDI? – 5 marks

Section II

Q. 3) What is International Business Environment?Explain in brief, the external factors affecting the International Business Environment. – 10 marks.

Q.4) Explain the role of Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP) in International Marketing. – 10 marks

Q. 5) As a manager what factors will you consider to determine price? – 10 marks

Q. 6) What are the basis for segmentation? – 10 marks

Q. 7) Write short notes on the following: 

a) Difference between International Marketing and Domestic Marketing –  5 marks

b) Types of Foreign Intermediaries – 5 marks

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