1.      Define and explain the features of International Marketing.
2.      Explain the need and advantages of International Marketing.
3.      Explain the difference between International and Domestic Marketing.
4.      Write a note on Basis of International Trade.
5.      Write a note on International Business Environment.
6.      Explain the external factors of International Marketing.
7.      Write a note on Meaning and Objectives of Trade Barriers.
8.      Write a note on Effect of Barriers on International Trade
9.      Explain the types of Trade Barriers.
10.  Write a note on Trading Blocs & Growing intra regional trade.
11.  Write a note on WTO & trade liberalization.
12.  Write a note on latest developments at WTO including Doha Round.
13.  Explain the Role of MNCs in International trade.
14.  Write a note on FDI.
15.  Explain Packaging as a part of product planning.
16.  Explain the Factors for package design in international markets.
17.  Explain the Functions of packaging.
18.  Explain the Criteria for export packing (transport packing).
19.  Explain the role of Indian Institute of packaging.
20.  Write a note on types of foreign intermediaries.
21.  Explain the Factors influencing selection of overseas distribution channels.
22.  Write a note on Export marking on outer packing.
23.  Explain the Purpose of export marking.
24.  Write a note on Product packaging and Distribution
25.  Explain the Pricing Policy in International Markets.
26.  Write a note on INCOTERMS.
27.  Explain the Factors determining price in International Markets.
28.  Explain Export costing methods and elements of cost.
29.  Explain the Factors influencing pricing policy in International markets.
30.  Write a note on Export Pricing strategies and Breakeven Pricing.
31.  Explain the Impact of contract conditions on export price offers.
32.  Explain the Impact of export incentives on export pricing.
33.  Write a note on Government’s initiatives for export assistances and incentives.
34.  Write a note on Overseas Market Selection.
35.  Explain the essential characteristics of market segments and Preference available to
Indian exporters.
36.  Explain the basis and factors for segment selection.
37.  Explain the Objectives entering into international markets and Constraints in entering in some global territories.
P.S. The Question Banks and Important Topics provided by us may or may not appear in the exams. It’s just for you to be aware of the topics related to the subject. Do prepare and study more than this. We are not responsible and are just here to provide you with the best required information.