International Marketing Question Bank 2012




Brief Questions



1)      Explain important features of international marketing?2)      Explain advantages of international marketing?

3)      Explain the types of barriers?

4)       Explain the latest developments at WTO including DOHA round?

5)      Explain the role of MNC’s in international trade?

6)      What are MNC’s & explain its merits?

7)      What is FDI? Explain The Factors Influencing FDI?

8)      Explain the functions of packaging?

9)      What are the factors determining price?

10)  Explain the export pricing strategies?

11)  Explain the methods of market entry?

12)  What steps would you take in indentifying foreign markets?

13)  What are the constraints in entering in some global territories?

14)  Explain the market selection process?

15)  Explain market segmentation a based on overall market profile?

16)  What are the bases for segmentation?






1)      International marketing2)      International business environment

3)      Social environment

4)      Demographic environment

5)      Economic environment

6)      Commercial environment

7)      Political environment

8)      FDI

9)      Packaging

10)  Role of IIP

11)  Marking features

12)  BEP

13)  Dumping

14)  Incoterms

15)  Duty drawback

16)  Deemed export

17)  IRMAC scheme

18)  EPCG

19)  Basis for segmentation


P.S. These are only likely questions and not the only questions to be studied for exams. Please go through other topics as well 🙂

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