International Marketing – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016


International Marketing – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of Lectures
 1  Introduction to International Marketing & Trade  15
 2  International Marketing Environment and Marketing Research  15
 3  International Marketing Mix  15
 4  Developments in International Marketing  15
 Total  60

International Marketing – Syllabus Overview

SN Modules/ Units
 1  Introduction to International Marketing & Trade
a) Introduction of International Marketing:

• Meaning, Features of International Marketing, Need and Drivers of International Marketing, Process of International Marketing, Phases of International Marketing, Benefits of International Marketing, Challenges of International Marketing, Difference between Domestic and International Marketing, Different Orientations of International Marketing : EPRG Framework, Entering International Markets :Exporting, Licensing, Franchising, Mergers and Acquisition, Joint Ventures, Strategic Alliance, Wholly Owned Subsidiaries, Contract Manufacturing and Turnkey Projects, Concept of Globalization

b) Introduction to International Trade:

• Concept of International Trade, Barriers to Trade: Tariff and Non Tariff, Trading Blocs : SAARC, ASEAN, NAFTA, EU, OPEC

 2  International Marketing Environment and Marketing Research
a) International Marketing Environment:

• Economic Environment : International Economic Institution (World Bank, IMF, IFC) ,International Economic Integration (Free Trade Agreement, Customs Union, Common Market, Economic Union)
• Political and Legal Environment: Political System (Democracy, Authoritarianism, Communism), Political Risk, Political Instability, Political Intervention. Legal Systems (Common Law, Civil Law, Theocratic Law), Legal Differences, Anti Dumping Law and Import License.
• Cultural Environment : Concept , Elements of Culture (Language, Religion, Values and Attitude , Manners and Customs, Aesthetics and Education) , HOFSTEDE’s Six Dimension of Culture , Cultural Values ( Individualism v/s Collectivism)

b) Marketing Research:

• Introduction, Need for Conducting International Marketing Research, International Marketing Research Process, Scope of International Marketing Research, IT in Marketing Research

 3  International Marketing Mix
a) International Product Decision

• International Product Line Decisions, Product Standardization v/s Adaptation Argument, International Product Life Cycle, Role of Packaging and Labelling in International Markets, Branding Decisions in International Markets, International Market Segmentation and Targeting, International Product Positioning

b) International Pricing Decision:

• Concept of International Pricing, Objectives of International Pricing, Factors Affecting International Pricing
• International Pricing Methods: Cost Based, Demand Based, Competition Based , Value Pricing, Target Return Pricing and Going Rate Pricing
• International Pricing Strategies : Skimming Pricing, Penetration Pricing , Predatory Pricing
• International Pricing Issues : Gray Market , Counter Trade, Dumping, Transfer Pricing

c) International Distribution Decisions

• Concept of International Distribution Channels, Types of International Distribution Channels, Factors Influencing Selection of International Distribution Channel

d) International Promotion Decisions

• Concept of International Promotion Decision
• Planning International Promotional Campaigns: Steps – Determine the Target Audience, Determine Specific Campaigns, Determine Budget, Determine Message, Determine Campaign Approach and Determine Campaign Effectiveness
• Standardization V/S Adaptation of International Promotional Strategies
• International Promotional Tools/Elements

 4  Developments in International Marketing
a) Introduction -Developing International Marketing Plan:

• Preparing International Marketing Plan, Examining International Organisational Design, Controlling International Marketing Operations, Devising International Marketing Plan

b) International strategies:

• Need for International Strategies, Types of International Strategies

c) International Marketing of Services

• Concept of International Service Marketing, Features of International Service Marketing, Need of International Service Marketing, Drivers of Global Service Marketing, Advantages and Disadvantages of Global Service Marketing, Service Culture.

Reference books for subject: International Marketing

International Marketing : ~ 
1. Dr. Shakeel Ahmad Siddiqui, International Marketing, Dreamtech press , Edition 2011
2. Philip R.Cateora, John L. Graham, Prashanth Salwan, International Marketing , Tata Mcgraw hill Education Private limited, New Delhi, Thirteenth Edition .
3. RajGopal, International Marketing, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Edition 2007.
4. Sak Onkvisit, John J.Shaw, International Marketing Analysis and Strategy, Pearson Publication, Third Edition
5. Francis Cherunilam, International Business, PHI Leaning Private Limited New Delhi, Fifth Edition .
6. Justin Paul and Ramneek Kapoor, International Marketing Text and Cases, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited New Delhi, Second Edition.
7. Rakesh Mohan Joshi, International Marketing, Oxford University Press, Second Edition
8. Philip R. Cateora, John L. Graham, International Marketing, Tata Mcgraw Hill, Twelfth Edition
9. Rakesh Mohan Joshi, International Marketing Oxford University Press, First Edition
10. Michael R. Czinkota, Iikka A Ronkainen, International Marketing, Cengage Learning Edition 2007
11. Gerald Albaum, Edwin Duerr, Jesper Strandskov, International Marketing and Export Management, Pearson Publication , Fifth Edition


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