Internet marketing is associated with several business models:
e-commerce – this is where goods are sold directly to consumers (B2C) or businesses(B2B)
lead-based websites – an organization that generates value by acquiring sales leads from its website
affiliate marketing – the process in which a product or service developed by one entity (e-commerce business, single person, or a combination) is sold by other active sellers for a share of profits. The entity of the product may provide some marketing material (sales letter, affiliate link, tracking facility) However, the vast majority of affiliate marketing relationships come from e-commerce businesses that offer affiliate programs.
local internet marketing – through which a small company utilizes the Internet to find and nurture relationships, which are to be used for real-world advantage. Local internet marketing uses tools such as social media marketing, local directory listing, and targeted online sales promotions.
blackhat marketing – this is a form of internet marketing which employs deceptive, abusive, or less than truthful methods to drive web traffic to a website or affiliate marketing offer. This method sometimes includes spam, cloaking within search engine result pages, or routing users to pages they didn’t initially request.