Some say internet is the greatest invention in the history of mankind; It is surely one invention without which we cannot predict the world right now. Internet has it all, whatever you want is there on the internet, it is everywhere, in your computer in your mobile phone. Internet has become a major source of information, it is vital for any business or profession. Internet has also become a great source of entertainment and particularly removing boredom.
How does internet remove boredom? As you know, it has got everything. When you are bored you can play Games on the internet, there are some major games where you can compete with friends and people around the world. For people who want to stay in touch with friends, socialize, there are some major social networking websites like Facebook, Nowadays even marriages are done on internet, not really, but anyone can find a life partner on the internet with matrimonial and dating sites. There is youtube where you can watch videos.
People having particular hobby can find blogs on that where there are some great informative articles and also people with same hobby. You can find all kinds of Music, Movies, read and reviews about them, you can ofcourse write blogs about what you like, raise your opinion on matters around the world. You can also read my articles if none of the above mentioned things interest you.
With the help of internet it is impossible to get bored; People will forget the meaning of the word ‘bored’ with the help of internet. internet has become a blessing to our generation and will always remain important.
– Jainam Jhaveri