5 Ways Interns Offer Value Your Executives Team Can’t Match



It is true that age doesn’t indicate your smartness. With internship programs you can avail raw talent to your business. Highly paid executives may be more experienced but that does not mean you always have to be dependent on them. Here are the 5 ways interns can offer more value to your business that executives cannot match:

1- Fresh eyes and ideas.


Don’t overlook on the interns just because they are inexperienced and young. Ideas can come from anyone. Interns aren’t prevented to work because of day-to-day operations of the business. They are enthusiastic and unafraid of failure. Sure many ideas might not be viable but one can be a home run 

2- No fear of failure.


As they are new to the business world, they aren’t afraid of failures. Roadblocks are created in mind when you are afraid of failure. Interns believe that they are invincible and everything is possible. This helps to keep their creative ideas flowing. They are also not worried about getting fired because in some months they are leaving, anyway.

3- They might be smarter.


Age does not define smartness. Just because your executives are experienced doesn’t mean they are smarter. Interns might come up with more innovative ideas and ability to process and analyse on a higher level.

4- They know what’s trending.

You can get great insights from interns as they know more about trends. They naturally sense what’s hot and what’s not. 

5- They are eager to impress.


As they are new to the business environment, they are eager to impress their seniors. They feel extraordinary when they get appreciation from seniors and elders with whom they work. They tend to give their 100% to each and everything. If you cultivate their drive and use it properly, the possibilities are endless.

All these qualities come from interns who are willing to do work. You cannot expect these things from each and every intern you come across. Some might leave within one-two days because of “over-stress” and others might work for the sake of “internship certificate”. However, an enthusiastic and motivated intern will always bring to you these qualities with himself.

-Vatsal Doshi

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