Looking For An Awesome Valuable Internship? Work With BMS.co.in



www.bms.co.in is the No.1 BMS web portal in India. We are a young team of highly committed and enthusiastic BMS graduates who by the means of www.bms.co.in aim to bring in a positive change in the life of the BMS fraternity.

Started 4 years ago, today www.bms.co.in is among the top 3,000 websites in India and has 28,000 followers on Facebook. Everyday more than 15,000 BMS students and youngsters all over India visit BMS.co.in. We have touched the lives of BMSites by posting BMS Notes, provide guidance for projects, assignments and presentations, putting up Coordinator, faculty, student as well as entrepreneur interviews.

We also have regular updates of interesting and intriguing articles from diverse fields like politics, business, world affairs, youth affairs, social causes, health, travel, entertainment, humor and career guidance and world affairs and keep organizing a lot of events and contests for the benefit of the BMS student community.

BMS.co.in is offering amazing “certificate” based internship (work from home & flexible timing) opportunities in the field of “Content creation and Social media marketing” for 45 days for your college students (any course or stream / no age limit / no percentage barriers)

Internship # 1- Making A Career Pick? Try Social Media Marketing! – 50 Posts
Internship # 2 – Content Writing Internship Program Details – 50 Posts


Students who have a good internet connection, are hard working, enthusiastic, highly committed to their work and plan to make a successful career in either content writing or digital marketing can quickly drop in a mail to [email protected] 

Let’s EMPOWER and DEVELOP the BMS students with social media literacy and make them better future leaders, managers,  and responsible netizens!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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