Interview with Abhijit Arun Waghmare, TYBMS Topper 2013, Chandrabhan Sharma College

Hey guys, my name is Abhijit Waghmare and today I am going to share my words on bms and how did an engineering droupout  became the topper of Chandrabhan Sharma College, Powai.
Aggregate %-  71%
Semester  6 –   76%                  
Project Grade- O          
Electives chosen in Sem 6 – retail management.
Did you take Coaching? : No
Extracurricular activities/Hobbies/Achievements-  I was the head of the festival “KHWAISH” of my college , other than that I love playing guitar and goin adventurous with friends , just love to live my life in my own way .
Ambition in life-  To become a IPS officer, and  change the Indian system.
Most memorable moment in BMS-  Most memorable day was when we were at national college and won 1st prize in ad o manic  and Think out of the box..
Funniest thing you did in the BMS course – The non-cooperation movement we did in our college was one of the funniest thing I ever did… when the teacher in the class used to interact and ask question nobody would react nor answer… I still remember the face of the teacher… she was like a red hot air baloon.
Define BMS in 1 line – A course where smartness acts more than your hardwork


1)    Which factors were considered in mind while selecting the Sem 6 Electives/Optional subjects?

Basically , before selecting the optional subject  I consulted the subject teacher and verified the syllabus and the time consumption.


2) Did you use for your exam preparation? Which sections of helped you? helped me a lot in preparation of my exams. Like the concepts were cleared , practice question papers were the key for my study.  There was never such a site full of knowledge helping students to get their base clear and even posting the solution of the paper, hats off for your work .


2)    How do you feel to be a consistent topper in both Sem 5 and Sem 6 exams? 

Generally when people ask you whats your mantra of being a topper,  many say hardwork, consistency , progression etc… but I wont say anything like this. Even I am a normal student like you all , all I did different is smartwork, plan out your study for the day and complete it. Do things that you love , and love things that you do .


4) Behind one topper are many people who stood by him/her during those uncertain times when he/she was merely an ‘aspirant’. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in your case? Any specific incidence that you would like to share with the readers?

My Family , Teachers , Friends , without therir support and love I wouldn’t be talking to you as a topper. Special thanks to Mrs. Gayatri Sinkar , The Principal of Chandrabhan sharma college. She taught an engineering dropout to face the world and reach the sky. Thank you ma’am for your support.



5) What is your message to the aspirants?

Don’t think that  c’mon I can never be a topper. I never topped any college nor school , but what makes you different is your mind . think positive. Set a goal, work hard and achieve it. “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful”.



6) What was your study plan?

I used to set my day’s Target of chapters to be completed, revision of previous and liking for it.. that’s all you need to do



7) Marks of every subject


Paper 1 :  76

Paper 2 :  80

Paper 3 :  68

Paper 4 :  83

Paper 5 :  76

Paper 6 :  73


TOTAL – 456/600 – 76%


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