Interview with Aishwarya Singh, Best BMS Class Representative, M.L. Dahanukar College



1) Achievements:

Academics – ‘A’ grade in all semesters with no ATKT or additional, highest marks in Principles of Management in FYBMS and Managerial Economics in SYBMS.

Extra-curicular activities – In organizing team of college event CORPORAIDERS, secured 2nd prize in college workshop on POLLUTION MANAGEMENT, was organizer of seminars held in campus.


2) Aim in life:

To be independent, hold an entrepreneurial business.


3) Future plans:

After BMS, I will be doing job for a year and simultaneously shall prepare for my MBA entrance exam.


4) Hobbies:

Play harmonium, sketching, observing people, spending leisure time in reading about celestial bodies and nature.


5) Dislikes:

Gossiping on other’s life.


6) Positive things about your college:

Our coordinator takes care of our needs and griefs, faculty is very good and helpful, we get a platform to showcase almost every talent we have.


7) Negative experience in college:

Most of the non-teaching staff interact in Marathi.


8) Positive things about BMS course:

We get scope for corporate exposure, specialised knowledge in management topics, Presentations, GD, debates, case study etc. helps in understanding various happenings of the corporate world.


9) Negative things about BMS course:

It just gives an overview of all topics.


10) How has BMS helped you?

Presentations helped in removing stage fear. Marks in class participation, GDs and debates helped in putting forward our views in public and taking a stand for our thoughts and opinion.


11) Changes in BMS?

More indepth knowledge should be given. Frequent visits to industries and companies should be organized.


12) Favorite BMS college memories:

When we get a group project and all we friends brainstorm ourselves, spend time after college discussing accepting disliking, arguing on each other’s views and ends up laughing at the end. Its fun working together.


13) Advice to youngsters?

I find today’s generation is very techsavvy. Excess of anything harms. The thinking thought process has been confined due to overuse of google, calculators etc. It not only hampers mental capability but also affects physical health. Youngsters have become totally dependent and their life completely social. Personal interaction between friends and family had taken a phase of facebook and whatsapp. Even I am addicted to technology but realising the above facts, I am trying my best to overcome this and would suggest others also to do the same.

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