Interview with Aishwarya Sudhakar Kalambe, Best BMS Class Representative, D.G. Ruparel College



Q. 1) 5 Interesting Facts About YOU:

1) Achievements / Skills / Knowledge (Academics & Extra-curricular):

– The BMS Fest Aarambh 2014 (in Technical Dept)


2) What is your aim / philosophy of life?

– To Excel in HR field


3) What are your future plans after BMS?



4) What are your hobbies / likes?

– Badminton, Reading books, Dancing & I love preparing for my presentations


5) Any dislikes?

–  I hate wasting my precious time


Q.2) 5 Fantastic Facts About Your BMS Life:

1) Positive / Negative things about your college?

– Huge college campus, most importantly is having a very co-operative bms faculty


2) Positive / Negative things about your BMS course?

– Building up our confidence during our presentations while keeping our point of view in front of our entire division about our respective topics


3) How has BMS course helped you to develop your personality? / What did you learn from BMS?

– Improvement in time management, creativity, personality development, due to the regular guidelines given by our respective mentors


4) What are the changes you want to bring in the BMS course?

– Also with our theoretic examinations, I would love if there were more management games from which we could learn a lot practically


5) Share your favorite BMS / college memories?

– Fun with friends in the canteen, also my tensed face when I was the one to present


Q.3) What are the thoughts / advices / tips you would like to give to today’s youngsters?

– Always be sure of in what you are investing your time, because time waits for none.

– I would advise today’s youngsters to select their streams according to their interests in which they would feel they’ll be successful in & which would lead them to a fantastic career.

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