Interview with Ankit Garasia, BMS Class Representative, M.L. Dahanukar College 2014




1) College days are unforgettable and infact they are the most happy days of every student’s life. As a BMS CR, what are your favorite BMS / college life memories?

My most amazing memory of the college life till date is the particular time where I get interesting tasks of the college to perform and the suspense of what’s going to be the next task to perform.



2) What do you mean by leadership? Tell us about a time / describe a situation when you have proved you have better leadership skills.

Recently there was a dispute between the class people where I had to step in to solve the dispute. That was one of the time where I had given my best in proving my leadership and that was very interesting for me.



3) What are your future plans / career goals / aim in life?

My future aim is to make my father proud of me by taking his business at a level where he would never had thought about.



4) What quality do you like the most about yourself and why?

My patience for achieving things in life.

5) Being a young leader, what message would you like to youngsters / juniors / BMS students?

Study for knowledge and not for marks because marks only can never make you successful in future.



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