Interview with Arbez N. Karbhari, Best BMS Class Representative, St. Rocks College



Q. 1) 5 Interesting Facts About YOU:

1) Achievements (Academics & Extra-curricular):

Achieved 1st runner’s up place at T.I.M.E. Metamorphosis intercollegiate Management Skills Competition.


Skills / Knowledge

Presentations and interactions (I just love it)


2) What is your aim?

Aim in life is to leave behind something that I can be remembered by.


Philosophy of life

Be an opportunist, something good always comes out of everything.


3) What are your future plans after BMS?

            Becoming an Actuary.


4) What are your hobbies?

Stamps and currencies.



Music and Mystery novels


5) Any dislikes?

Cursing (if u can’t do something yourself don’t curse others for doing it) and lying.


Q.2) 5 Fantastic Facts About Your BMS Life:

1) Positive things about your college?

The Campus —–Bliss

The Professors—— Indulging

The People (classmates seniors juniors) ——- Ecstatic


I take my college for everything it has given me so why is negative about it


2) Positive things about your BMS course?

The Variety helps u know and understand management in every aspect.

The Presentations Reports and Discussions prepare you for the corporate world.


I feel BMS is neglected by the university: Improper paper corrections, Delayed results, Delayed updates.



3) How has BMS course helped you to develop your personality? / What did you learn from BMS?

BMS has helped me understand that management is required and can be implemented everywhere. Not just in business or corporate life but social life, family life, and your own life as well.

BMS has made me a good presenter, improved my communications and my judgments


4) What are the changes you want to bring in the BMS course?

The course needs to be updated with the current trends and requirements of the market

The course needs some practical aspect in all of its subjects.


5) Share your favorite BMS memories?

The time, when my colleges name was announced as the 1st runner’s up in the T.I.M.E. metamorphosis event.

The time, when I was appreciated by the staff members of Infosys during our I.V. while interacting with them.

College memories

When I became the student of the year (and it came to me as a surprise)

The night when we had our farewell; the joy of moving ahead in life and the sorrow of separation from and association of three years coming as tears as rain on a hot summers day



Q.3) What are the thoughts / advices / tips you would like to give to today’s youngsters?           

Be confident, calm and positive everything else will just fall in the right place.

And as Steve Jobs quoted ‘STAY HUNGRY STAY FOOLISH’ cause life will knock you down but u have to get back up till u can knock it down.

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