Interview with Carl Unwala, BMS Campus Rockstar, Bhavans College Charni Road



Interesting things about myself:


  • Semester 2 college topper
  • Semester 5 HRM topper
  • 90% distinction from Trinity College London in keyboard
  • Good basketball player and I’m loving it


Skills , knowledge:
Basic sound management and keyboard player. 

Aim/future plans

To do the best I can in life and God will do the rest.

Positive and negative things about the College:

Brilliant teaching faculty and a fair campus 

Positive and negative about BMS:

Excellent support system of BMS these 3 years made me learn 38 new subjects and something unique in store for us in these subjects.

Changes in the course:

A standard text book, more interactive field trips,  sessions  industrial visits, and a uniform balance of subjects.

Favorite BMS memories:
There are so many but just one thing, helping in-confident or students having problems in KT exams or any of the subjects and helping them fully at my own cost so that they pass ahead to the next semester

Tips for juniors:
Study regularly,  listen to teachers in class at your own cost during tybms , take down notes and make your own notes as well.

Even if you haven’t studied one day before the exam don’t panic, or fear , be In prayers always and study your best.

You will see what god has in store for you.

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