Interview with Dr. Zuleika F. Homavazir, BMS Co-ordinator, Wilson College





Tell us something about yourself

With a hope to forge an affiliation between awareness of social problems and the high spirits of the youth in South Mumbai, every year we create a medium for the students to enthusiastically participate in the upbringing of society, this year being a ‘Youth For India’ Performance Bike Rally, the proceeds of which has gone to charity. It’s an initiative to mould students into great managers with a heart. Born in a liberal Parsi family, I strongly believe in the virtue of ‘good thoughts, good words and good deeds.’

Having completed my Masters of Commerce, Masters of Business Administration and Professional Doctorate in Management with specialization in Human Resource Management, am currently pursuing LLB and is of the strong opinion that one should never stop learning. I’m also in the process of publishing two academic books. My corporate experience at MNCs – Pfizer, Novartis and Holcim has provided me with an edge to impart quality and practical knowledge to my students.

Have been a recipient of country- corporate level awards – ‘Learning Agility Award’ bestowed by Novartis India Ltd- one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies and ‘The Best Employee Performance Award’ bestowed by Holcim South Asia Ltd.- the world’s largest cement manufacturing company. Have also published research papers at the National Level and is currently on board the recruitment panel for a number of companies.

I’m a strong believer in the 3D mantra to success: Determination, Discipline and Dedication. My favorite quote is ‘Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.’

Tell us something about your college

Today Wilson College is one of the few colleges in Mumbai which offer an array of subjects in the Arts, Science and Vocational stream, along with undergraduate professional courses in Management Studies, Mass Media, Biotechnology, Computer Science and Information Technology. The Institution also provides M. Sc and the PhD program.

Wilson College has witnessed the turn of two centuries. As a tribute to the journey of this diminutive school started at the residence of Dr. Wilson, which then developed into a multi – disciplined University affiliated college, the Postal Department, Government of India honored both its founder and the institution by issuing a Special Day Postal Cover in 2004. In 2007 to commemorate the completion of its 175 glorious years, a stamp and first day cover of Wilson College was issued.

The students of Wilson College are from nearly every ethnic, religious and social group of the country as well as of the world. Our extremely diverse student body is our strength and source of pride contributing to an open learning environment.

When did you join this profession? What inspired you to choose this field?

For me, the number one criterion for a teacher is a desire to teach. The ones who do well and who truly have a rapport with their students are the ones who love to teach. As for myself, I can’t imagine NOT teaching. It is part of who I am. If you truly have a passion for what you do, it becomes more than a job. You devote the time and energy to ensure that your students excel in every walk of life.

Being a strong believer in mastery and continued learning, have always believed in the overall and holistic development of children. Attitudes are contagious and this is an important element of any classroom. The need of the hour is to inculcate the right attitude in today’s generation. And this is the reason for me to join the teaching fraternity.


As a Coordinator, do you also teach any subjects? If yes, which subjects you teach and

Which you love the most?

Business Communication, Foundation of Human Skills, Principles of Management, Industrial Law, Export- Import Procedure and Documentation, Marketing Management, Service Sector Management, Human Resource Management and Retail Management are few of the subjects.

A great teacher is someone who can inspire/motivate students to want to find out more about whatever subject they are studying. I think of Socrates, who, instead of directly answering student’s questions, answered with another question to nudge the student to think a little more. A good teacher can spoon-feed information but instead I strongly believe in giving the student a spoon and show him how to feed himself.

Having a passion for your subject is most important – enthusiasm is infectious. Out of all the above subjects mentioned if I am to choose one subject, it will be Human Resource Management.

How are the roles and responsibilities of a Coordinator different from that of a faculty? Do you like being a Faculty or a Coordinator? Which helps you to connect more with students?

As a teacher, I feel responsible for elevating the average student to high performance. It’s a proud moment for me when a student with average marks in FY passes with distinction marks in his TYBMS University exams. As a Co-coordinator, I feel responsible for shaping not just students but ignite souls who are a powerful resource for the development of our nation. As a teacher and Co-coordinator, I am privileged to celebrate the success of my students.

Who in your life has influenced the most?

My family, seniors and teachers.

What should BMS/Management education mean to a student?

It is the focus on general management that makes BMS the most sought after course. It is certainly more than just a graduate degree. It helps you inculcate the right skills required to be successful in your career.

Tell us something about your college fests/events and extra-curricular activities?

The extra-curricular activities of the department include summer internships, industrial visits, team building activities and guest lectures.

Every new batch that absorbs the Wilson BMS aura cannot remain ignorant of one of its mammoth activities ‘ADOREA’- our inter-collegiate BMS fest ‘ADOREA’ which means ‘Victory’. It is the most sought after college event in South Mumbai. ADOREA is celebrated over a period of four days encompassing different events on different days. Our students are trained to plan and execute the mega-event with ease. It is an opportunity for students to groom their skills. ADOREA attracts more than 2000 students from colleges across Mumbai.

HOPE (Help Our People Elevate) is Adorea’s Social Responsibility aimed towards the betterment of the society. Students undertake various activities every year to support the inmates at ‘Jeevan Asha’ an old age home.

This varied experience at Wilson moulds students into next generation leaders with a heart.


Do you believe that it should be made compulsory for students to manage both studies and be a part of college fests/events?

Yes. At Wilson BMS, we succeed in combining academic excellence with a wide range of opportunities beyond the classroom which train our students to develop the skills of learning. It promotes analytical thought, a sense of responsibility for one’s own actions, and for the good of society. Our inter-collegiate BMS fest ‘ADOREA’, industrial visits, mandatory internships, guest lectures, and industry-based projects form an imperative part of the curriculum. This corporate exposure enables students to make a connect between theories learnt during classroom sessions and its application in real-life situations.

Tell us something about your college students’ performances?

Our students are trained to excel and perform well in academics.

What are your future plans for the college?

To strengthen the placement cell and to initiate ‘Campus To Corporate’ Certificate Programmes.

As a person, what is your mission/aim in life?

I aspire to start a charitable institution to sponsor college education to the needy so that no child is deprived of the same due to financial reasons.

Does your college provide any placement assistance to BMS students?

Yes. Oberois, KPMG India, India Bulls, Infosys, Kotak Securities are to name a few companies where are students have been successfully placed in the managerial cadre.

What are the prospects after BMS?

After successful completion of BMS, a student can pursue a post graduate degree or can opt for a career in human resource management, sales and marketing, finance, and other functions of the organization.

What message would you like to give to BMS students?

I urge students to be Committed and be Disciplined in these three years of their  graduation life….. Participate in all college activities…. with the primary focus of excelling at academics. Enjoy as well as study….. you will do well in life.

Stretch beyond, dream big and soar high in life!!!

Aashiya Khan

 Campus Representative

S.I.E.S College –


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Ojas Barve

A professional in the education industry, Ojas is currently working with S P Jain School of Global Management (the global arm of S P Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai) as Program Manager for all the under-graduate as well as post-graduate programs whereby he plays a significant role in planning the schedules of the programs across global campuses located in Dubai, Singapore and Sydney. He also plays a role as Academic Mentor for guiding the MGB (MBA) students in their internship/projects. In the year 2014, 12 students successfully completed their projects under his guidance. Former Professor at MT Educare, Ojas has trained the students from commerce and management streams. He has gained exposure to the print media industry, while he completed his internship assignment with SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce in their in-house publication, SIES Skyline as their 'Editor-in-Chief' He has worked with BMS.CO.IN at internship position as 'Campus Representative' for three months after which he was extracted in the team as 'Chief Correspondent-Social Media'. He gained hands-on experience in the field of Social Media and E-Commerce, then. He started his career in teaching at Aadeshwar Academy, Borivali where he trained the school-level students in the French language. He was also associated with Dnyana Prakash Classes, Dadar for two academic years where taught subjects of Organisation of Commerce and Management to Class-12 students. Academically, he's a graduate in management studies in distinction class with a strong flair towards languages. He is pursuing his Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Masters in Commerce with Business Management elective. He has completed his A-1 level certification in French Language from L' Alliance Francaise de Bombay. Also, he is a Certified Professional Introductory Counselor from SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education and holds a certification in Capital Markets from Inter-connected Stock Exchange of India Ltd.


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