Interview with Geetika Asthana, SYBMS Topper 2014, Pillai College


Name: Geetika Asthana

College Name: Pillai College of Arts, Commerce & Science

Course Name: BMS

Year: SY

Rank in Third Semester: Third

Percentage: 77.5%

GPA: 7

  1. Tell us about yourself, your background, why did you join BMS and what do you plan to do after BMS?
    I belong to Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. Completed schooling from KV ONGC Panvel. My hobbies are reading, dancing, swimming and listening music of different genres.
    The reason why I chose BMS is because of the wide opportunities it provides for both career and personality enhancement.
    I plan to do MBA after BMS, preferably in finance from a reputed college.
  2. How does it feel to be a Topper of the college in Semester exams?
    It is the feeling one gets when hard work is paid off.
    And an inner drive to perform even better than before.
  3. Whom will you credit your success to?
    Family is the first name that comes in my mind when giving credit to any success I’ve managed to achieve, professors who have supported all through our semesters and definitely an encouraging bunch of friends.
  4. Did you start preparing from your first day of your FY?
    No I didn’t. As the semester went by I made sure to keep my notes complete, clear the doubts which came after each unit and gather necessary material for each subject.
  5. How did you study for Sem III?
    I’ve always followed being regular for lectures which not only helps in completed notes but also one can easily recollect a topic when reviewed later. An obvious advantage is the pressure during study leave can be avoided if one is regular.

    Semester III comes with a level higher than first year because subjects are more specific and must follow different approaches for studying.
    Try scoring high in internals as the portion is short and helps in your grand total. Paper pattern is also important because then you can sort out questions which carries more marks and needs to be focused on.
  6. Any special way of writing the answers? Do you write answers in bullet points or in paragraphs?
    I follow one particular pattern of writing answers for theory subjects of starting as Introduction about the topic asked in a question, what is actually asked e.g. Advantages and Disadvantages of Strategic Management and ending with a conclusion about the same.
    Yes I do write my answers in bullet points as it is always suggested by teachers that such answers can fetch good marks and indicates understanding of a student about the question asked.
  7. Which are the easy subjects in Sem III?
    I find Banking & Insurance, Economics and Management Accounting easy as compared to others.

    Banking & Insurance and Economics are such subjects which are very useful in real life situations and adds knowledge to your current General knowledge in many ways. Management Accounting is the most scoring and interesting out of all if taken seriously and practised thoroughly.
  8. How do you crack case studies in theory and practical subjects?
    For both theory and practical case studies, it is important to find out which main topic is discussed. After that facts stated and problems mentioned should also be incorporated in answers.

    Lastly solutions to be suggested are most crucial for any case study as they carry maximum marks and must be answered correctly.
  9. Did you draw any diagram in any paper? Is it mandatory? Does it help to get more marks?
    I might have drawn some flow charts for processes or steps. It is not mandatory but it does get you more marks because one look at your diagram and the examiner will understand whether you actually know the answer or not. It is a part of how you present the answers and attracts more attention than paragraphs and even bullet points.
  10. Any specific study pattern adopted i.e. timetable / how many hours per subject per day etc.?
    No I haven’t adopted any study pattern or timetable because I feel being attentive in lectures helps to recollect more than studying by self.
  11. How do you fight against mood swings and distractions during exam preparation?
    Like many students I find music a refuge during exam preparation and sometimes a good novel.
  12. If you are made the Vice Chancellor of Mumbai University, what changes would you like to initiate in BMS education system?
    The most demanded and also a vital change if given an opportunity to initiate would be to bring in more practicality for the syllabus offered as being practical is what required for any job profile and not theory which can only be studied or derived facts from, in the form of presentations and group discussions which help in building many managerial skills like team building, communication, etc.
  13. Many students prepare sincerely but constantly live under the fear that they are not from big college/ not from English medium and eventually lose confidence. What message would you like to these students?
    If one has the drive to excel then thoughts like these don’t really matter. College name is just a brand and in the end it is the hard work which takes you to the top.
  14. Through this struggle and success, what have you learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? What is your message to the upcoming BMS students?
    I have learnt that knowledge has no bounds and learning is as integral part of our life as any other aspect.

    Wisdom of life and competition is one’s own responsibility to figure out, as for me competition and life both makes one tough and a better individual if taken positively.
    I would like to suggest to all the aspiring management students that this course develops you as a whole and hone your skills as a manager.
  15. Your feedback for
    It is a very helpful portal for all the BMS students from guidance about syllabus to recognising rising students and giving them opportunities to perform effectively.

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Christy Nadar