Interview with Gunjan Aggarwal, Founder, Esquared Inc.






Tell us something about yourself?

It was in the year 2002 that I was awarded a CA. I moved forward to finish my MBA from ISB, Hyderabad and on receiving the degree in the year 2005, I started working as an Investment Banker with Citibank. Same year I received my first bonus and quit it right that day. Took me a year, to realize what I exactly wanted to do and then here I am. The education field was the calling! Couldn’t resist. In a year Esquared Inc. was born.


Tell us something about your venture. 

E-Squared is an innovative digital media firm with a direct focus on the educational sector. Working with top-tier educational institutes throughout India, E-Squared delivers high-impact results in digital branding, online PR, content creation, design, student recruitment, alumni and corporate engagement. Actively attuned to the wants and needs of the younger generation, E-Squared has been instrumental in helping educational institutes in India to recruit students using digital media methodologies and mediums, such as Facebook and Twitter. After years of study and research, we have developed insights on online student behavior that has helped us to create digital strategies that work. We are soon launching to b2c offering called Pehechaan ( that will enable individuals to take services in personal reputation management.


What is your philosophy towards work?

Work, pray and empower people.


Whom do you admire as your role model? And why?

My mother.

She is everything that I aspire to and probably can never be. Her patience and forgiveness have been immeasurable. It followed me to my schools, camps, tutorial classes, college, marriage, everywhere. There have been no walls thick enough or locations too remote to keep her prayers and love from reaching me. Her personality shaped me over the years and I am partly what my mother made me.


“Management is core to every individual, organization & society.” Give your views on it.

There is absolutely no alternative to Management, but good and efficient management steals the game. Proper management is almost like the cushion that saves you from lot many potential crises that might crop in daily functions. Therefore, the art of management should be a habit, not an option.


Name 3 qualities of prime importance that a women entrepreneur should possess.

As a woman, I personally believe that we are gifted with amazing multitasking skill. But then, there are definitely few qualities which are imperative for women entrepreneurs who are aiming to survive in this competitive market:

–          Authority: “Not being taken seriously” is an issue which women entrepreneurs face most of the times. The world needs to understand that when a woman starts a business, it is not necessarily a hobby or a side-profession for her. It can be a real, bona fide venture. Therefore, it is important for the woman entrepreneur as well to step into the role completely and believe in herself and her power.

–          Determination: Do not let your regular ritualistic household duties bend you down. Keep your focus clear and stay determined.

–          Compassion: Do not forget the humane side. Whatever the situation be, stick to compassion. Do good and good will be done to you.



According to you, what are the challenges for Women Entrepreneurship today?

As stated above, women entrepreneurs still find it challenging to survive in today’s market because their ideas or efforts are not taken as seriously as they should be. Overcoming that is a big challenge. Entrepreneurship has still been seen as a male preserve and that definitely puts fetters in our feet but the changing Indian scenario looks much more promising. So, we are hopeful.


Can Entrepreneurship be taught in B-Schools/Management Institutes/Colleges?

Yes, my answer is strongly in the affirmative. Of course entrepreneurship can be taught. But up to a point. Schools can provide tools, ambience, incubation centers, and support. It can also provide immense inspiration to let one think disruptive innovation, with confidence. Entrepreneurs have mostly been a different breed but they need guidance and B-schools can well provide that.


Is the Name of the Institute from where a student pursues his/her Graduation/Post Graduation or other courses important while setting up your business?

No. Everything is about the way you execute your passion. Your academic background is a farcical concept. Your passion is what makes or mars your business.


Do you think today’s economy is conducive for a new venture to start upon?

It is pregnant with possibilities of growth. No time is too bad or too good. We determine the nature of time. Moreover, shouldn’t your “BIG IDEA” define time? Why let some other trends define it for you. If you have an idea, start it today, this minute, this hour.


“Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?

Well once you fret and sweat over your dream you definitely look forward to optimum output. It is justifiable to make as much money as is possible but it is unjustifiable if money becomes the means to your end. Moreover, money making is never the business. The business is the “BIG IDEA”.


Share with us the most enjoyable moment you had experienced on work.

I believe as an entrepreneur you have to enjoy every moment of what you do! So every minute of my work is enjoyable.


Your message to the aspiring entrepreneurs?

If you have an idea, what are you waiting for? Start the process, right today. One life is too short to live your dreams J So, please do not delay!

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Ankita Dalvi

I am kinda person who lives a simple life. Manages to be happy in every situation and enjoys every bit of life


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