Interview with Heena Baig, TYBMS Topper 2013, Clara’s College


Hello Everyone, Firstly Thanking You For Giving Me A Platform Which Helped Me Top My College, BMS Just Didn’t Help Me Get Me A Degree But Also Helped Me Built My Overall Personality.

Aggregate %- 78%

Project Grade- O

Electives Chosen In Sem 6 – SME,OR,IF,IMTP,IM,RM

Did You Take Coaching? If Yes, Which Classes? Yes, Atlas Academy

Extracurricular Activities/Hobbies/Achievements- Annual Day Celebrations At My College,

Inter Collegiate Ad Fest,Winning Trophies At College And Other Local Award Functions

Fondly Known As (Name) In The College Group – Heenu..

Ambition In Life- To Top IAS exams

Most Memorable Moment In Bms- Winning Five Trophies At College

Funniest Thing You Did In The Bms Course – Felicitation Speech,In Which I Dint Really Thank Anybody But Had A Blast Making Fun Of People.

Define Bms In 1 Line – Conquerors Degree



1) Which Factors Were Considered In Mind While Selecting The Sem 6 Electives/Optional Subjects?

There Weren’t Really Any Options Provided In College We Had To Wave Along The Shore.


2) Did You Use Bms.Co.In For Your Exam Preparation? Which Sections Of Bms.Co.In Helped You?

Yeah…It Definitely Did Help Me, A Lot Of Things I Learnt Is Because Of Bms.Co.In And Other Websites, Though The College Did Help A Lil


3) How Do You Feel To Be A Consistent Topper In Both Sem 5 And Sem 6 Exams?

The Feeling Is Amazing, Seeing Your Name At The Top Board At College Is Always A Great Site, A There Were Phases Of Boredom But U Have To See Ahead, Atleast Sum Week Before The Exam, The Exam Bhoot Gets On To You.


4) Behind One Topper Are Many People Who Stood By Him/Her During Those Uncertain Times When He/She Was Merely An ‘Aspirant’. Would You Like To Tell The World, Who Were Those People In Your Case? Any Specific Incidence That You Would Like To Share With The Readers?

My Family, No Doubt, They Really Helped Me, Motivated Me And Yeah Its Just Because Of Them I am What I am Today..


5) What Is Your Message To The Aspirants?

Have Fun In The Course, Enjoy Every Project And Assignment You Get, Don’t Just Rob Things, Make Them It Will Be Much More Fun Learning.


6) What Was Your Study Plan?

Good Enough To Top The College, Actually I Didn’t Really Follow Any Study Plan, Just Made Sure I Had Completed Everything Well Before Time So I Could Revise Things, Basically Bms Isn’t All About Courseware And Books At All.



7) Marks Of Every Subject


Or 79

If 82


Im 77

Rm 79

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