Interview with Hema Hotti, SYBMS Topper 2014, Pillai’s College


Name: Hema Hotti

College Name: Pillai College, New panvel

Course Name: BMS

Which Year:  SY

Rank in SY: 1st

GPA: 7

Percentage: 87.33%

  1. Tell us about yourself, your background, why did you join BMS and what do you plan to do after BMS?

Well…..My name is Hema Hotti. I am from Karnataka. I like to read books, novels, articles.

I am a commerce student and always wanted to pursue BMS. I like to study management subjects, because I feel it is a field where I can learn, understand and implement the principles not only in the organization but also in my daily life. E.g.: we learn about soft skills, interpersonal skills, time management etc in this course.

I am planning to do either MBA in HR or Masters in Business Management.


  1. How does it feel to be a topper of the college in semester exams?

Obviously one will definitely feel on the top of the world. But the fact that my father feels proud about me makes me happier and motivates me to perform even better in my next semesters.


  1. Whom will you credit your success to?

I credit my success to my parents, my elder sister, and also my professors. They have always supported and encouraged me in my studies.


  1. Did you start preparing from the first day of your FY/SY?

Well, no one can start preparing for the semesters from day one. This is because, every semester the subjects are new to us. It takes at least a week to know about the subjects and its content.


  1. How did you study for SEM I / SEM III? (share some tips/advice for each subject)

The only tip or advice which I would like to share is, “Attend all lectures”.

This is the only key to get good marks. Because when we listen to the lecture attentively, our mind becomes active and the concepts get stored somewhere in our mind for a long period of time. On the other side when we read and understand on our own, brain can’t store it for long.

For practical subjects like accounts and mathematics, try to solve 2 questions per day.


  1. Which are the easy subjects in SEM I / SEM III?

For me, I like all theory subjects. In case of practical subjects, I am bound to make mistakes.


  1. Any special way of writing the answers? Do you write answers in bullet points or in paragraphs?

Always start your answer with an introduction which comprises of meaning in 2-3 lines then the main answer and lastly a conclusion of 1-2 lines.

I prefer writing answers in bullet points. Because it becomes easy for the examiner to understand, check and also saves their time.


  1. How do you crack case studies in theory and practical subjects?

The case study provided in the paper hardly takes 2-3 min to read. So when as soon as you receive the question paper, read your case study and the questions first and then move on to write your theory answer. By reading the case and its questions before, the brain starts preparing the answers unconsciously in the mind.


  1. Did you draw any diagram in any paper? Is it mandatory? Does it help to get more marks?

I draw diagrams, charts etc. It is not mandatory but it makes the answer more self explanatory and presentable.

Yes, it definitely help us to get more marks.


  1. Any specific study pattern adopted i.e. timetable / how many hours per subject per day etc.?

There is no such specific study pattern followed by me. Attending all the lectures and understanding the concept is enough. It is not necessary to follow a strict timetable.


  1. How do you fight against mood swings and distractions during exam preparation?

I take short breaks of 20-30mins when I feel tired of studying during the exams.

In the break I either listen to music or have a talk with my mother. I feel refreshed when I talk with my mother.


  1. If you are made the Vice Chancellor of Mumbai University, what changes would you like to initiate in Indian education system?

The foremost change which I would like to initiate is making presentations and projects mandatory in the syllabus. As BMS is a professional course, students must be able to speak and present in front of the crowd confidently once they are graduate.


  1. Many students prepare sincerely but constantly live under fear that they are not from big college/ not from English medium and eventually lose confidence. What message would you like to these students?

My message to them is “be confident and believe in yourself”.

Remember God help those, those who help themselves.

No one is perfect in this world. Analyze your weak points, work on them, take help from teachers to overcome the fear and face the challenges of the world boldly.


  1. Through this struggle and success, what have you learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? What is your message to the upcoming BAF/ BBI/ BMS/ BFM/ BMM/ BBA students?

Through this struggle I have learnt that today’s world is competitive, you have to work hard and compete. We can’t achieve anything by only sitting still. The wisdom of life and competition lies in learning from mistakes and growing stronger. Don’t give up, the beginning is always hard.


  1. Your feedback for

The team of is really doing a GREAT JOB…!!!

It has helped me a lot. I often refer the site for syllabus, notes and also read the articles.


Thank you…!!!

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Christy Nadar


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