Interview with Jay Vijay Shah, Best BMS Class Representative, Ghanshyamdas Saraf College


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Q. 1) 5 Interesting Facts About YOU:

1) Achievements / Skills / Knowledge (Academics & Extra-curricular):

Ans: I being a average guy always use to be active in other cultural works in my both school and junior college days, but there were boundaries to do certain things, but after getting admitted to this college….but boundaries were my strength I was supported for my thoughts and ideas…though it be professors, friends, team members, juniors or seniors. You were allowed to explore and which made me smarter and wiser. I have being active with my cultural activities and being the committee member of my College festival “MAUJ-The Fiesta Of Joy” have being participating in various seminars, and other educational and technical programmers’ am  THE TOPPER OF BMS FOR SEM-V


2) What is your aim / philosophy of life?

Ans : The one and only aim in my life is that to be a successful person, be happy and keep others happy around you

My philosophy for life is just “Be Confident and Have a Determination Set”


3) What are your future plans after BMS?

Ans : My future plans after BMS is I am appearing for a government exam that is NSDC (National Skills Development Certification ),preparing for CAT/NMAT/CET/XAT/SNAP,and the most important to be an MBA in Logistics and Supply Chain Management.


4) What are your hobbies / likes?

Ans : love to communicate with different people,music and travelling



5) Any dislikes?

Ans: I dislike to be SELFISH.


Q.2) 5 Fantastic Facts About Your BMS Life:

1) Positive / Negative things about your college?

Ans: The best part of my college is that it is very much supportive, being supportive is what an individual desires and which makes him to move with an ease and achieve his/her competencies.

There is no negative points about my college.

“My college is my second home”


2) Positive / Negative things about your BMS course?

Ans: The Best part about BMS is that it has presentations, it was the Only point which made me choose BMS.It covers over all your management aspects and gives you vast knowledge about it

Negativity in BMS is that presentations are very time bounded


3) How has BMS course helped you to develop your personality? / What did you learn from BMS?

Ans: BMS has helped me in many ways to explore myself, get to know many people, meet various friends and professors of different colleges all over Mumbai

BMS has made me proud in representing my college.


4) What are the changes you want to bring in the BMS course?

Ans: I do not feel like making or having any changes BMS as it is the best and smartest course within itself.


5) Share your favorite BMS / college memories?

Ans: The best BMS/College memories of mine was when professors at every point of time use to comment the best on my presentation skills,supporting me,being by my side

And the most cherished memory was to being announced as THE TOPPER OF MY COLLEGE along with my other friends, Getting selected for all the Interviews in the campus placement is also being the most memorable moment for me.


Q.3) What are the thoughts / advices / tips you would like to give to today’s youngsters?

Ans: I would like to say that today’s young generation is very fast in making decisions, be it peer pressure or family pressure or else what. They should always take a smart and accurate decision depending upon their interest and capability. Always be confident in what you do and what you choose and never fail to take advice from your teachers, friends but should always do what makes you of more interest.

Thank You So Much Team

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