Interview with Kanchana Banerjee, Founder, Writeword


An Interview with Kanchana Banerjee, Founder, Writeword


  • Tell us something about yourself?

I’m a freelance journalist with almost 19 years experience in writing for various publications, companies, PR firms. I hold a Masters degree in English literature and have worked with the The Statesman in Kolkata and TOI, Hyderabad. But that was a long long time ago. Almost another life!!


  •  Tell us something about your business. 

I launched WRITEWORD in Jan 2012. I conduct online writing courses to teach the art of freelance writing. So many professionally qualified women drop out of their careers to take care of home & kids. But they long to do something meaningful with their time and life. Freelance writing is something they can do. So I teach them how to write. I believe anyone can write if guided well and given a lot of practice. I take my students through a lot of practice and guide them.


  • What is your philosophy towards work?

Never say never! If you can dream it; you can do it.


  • Whom do you admire as your role model? And why?

My role model is someone who has nothing to do with either writing or journalism. I admire the person for his undying spirit and determination. Douglas Barder joined the RAF in 1928. In 1931, after a crashed he lost both his legs. From the brink of death, he recovered, retook flight training, passed his check flights and then requested reactivation as a pilot. After the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, Bader returned to the RAF and was accepted as a pilot. He was captured by the Germans but he escaped twice. Finally the Germans had to take away his artificial legs to stop him from escaping!! The man’s spirit and zest for life is awe inspiring. I read his biography – Reach for the sky decades ago. His spirit and determination inspires me.


  • Name 3 qualities of prime importance that a businessman should possess.

Perseverance, hard work and patience. Success doesn’t come easy or fast.


  • According to you, what are the challenges for Entrepreneurship today?

Everyone today seems to be bitten by the entrepreneurial bug. But you need to think straight and think hard about the viability of your business model. Is it workable? Is it scalable?


  •  Can Entrepreneurship be taught in B-Schools/Management Institutes/Colleges?

College education teaches you many important aspects which you need to bear in mind. Yes, there are few success stories of people who have dropped out of schools and colleges to make multi billion dollar businesses but they are exceptions and one shouldn’t blindly ape. Structured education is crucial.


  • Is the Name of the Institute from where a student pursues his/her Graduation/Post Graduation or other courses important while setting up your business?

No the name isn’t important but the quality of faculty is very important and equally important is the your fellow batch mates. If you are in a college where your peers are in a different mind space, it can ruin it for you. So it is important to study in a good college. I read a very interesting article about a successful man who passed out of Harvard Biz school. He said that the very mention of his biz school opened doors for him. He studied with some of the brilliant minds and fabulous contacts were always just phone call away!! So yes, where you study is important but it isn’t the end of the world, if you can’t get into an Ivy league! The world is full of success stories of men and women who have had ordinary education. They succeeded because they had extraordinary dreams and the determination to make it happen!!


  • “Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?

I always believe, chase your dream. Money will follow. Money is important but it cant and shouldn’t be the driving force or the reason for you to start the business. You have to be passionate about what you do. The rest will follow.


  • Share with us the most enjoyable moment you had experienced on work.

Everytime one of my students publish their work and I see their name in print, my joy knows no limit. Earlier I used love seeing my name in print. But now I want to see my students get published.


Very interesting forum. You should extend this to other cities. Giving valuable feedback on which are the good BMS / BBA institutes. Experiences of students and how they feel they gained from having done BBA or BMS instead of an ordinary graduation.




Vision/Mission- to help women learn the art of writing and get started as freelance writers

Products & Service- WRITEWOMAN, WRITE AWAY, WRITE SMART…CHK MY WEBSITE. I also offer writing courses to young professionals who wish to hone their writing skills before stepping into the corporate world.

Marketing Strategy- online

Existing Market Presence- it’s an online course and anyone can join from anywhere



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Ankita Dalvi

I am kinda person who lives a simple life. Manages to be happy in every situation and enjoys every bit of life


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