Interview with Karishma Parab, FYBMS Student, Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute


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Name – Karishma Parab

College Name – Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial and Management Studies

Course Name –BMS

Which year – FY

Tell us about yourself

ANS: Hi! Am Karishma. I haven’t achieved anything great till now. I love dancing but didn’t get a chance to be a professional dancer. I’m a very friendly person and I love people who don’t betray anyone. I don’t hate anyone because I think they are all a part of my life. Sometimes I get angry even on the silliest thing, but I never remember all these things and forgive easily.

Tell us about your college

ANS: Before joining this college, I was a feeling a little insecure and felt that it would be so hard to make new friends and become a part of this college. But once I joined, I saw that many of my friends were there; though in different division. And this encouraged me to make new friends and they all became a part of my life. College is like my second home. Our college is good, especially in terms of faculty. The saddest thing about this college is that many people make it worst due to their behaviour. My favourite faculty is Danish Sir. He’s very friendly and understands us. My first presentation is my memorable moment. Saddest moment is when my friend Nazneen left the college and shifted abroad. I enjoy Law lectures a lot.

When did you join BMS? Which year you are in? What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?

ANS: I joined in august 2014, and am in FY. I wanted to take BMS because it has greater scope and makes it easy to study management courses at post graduate level.

According to you, what is BMS all about? As a student, what changes would you like to bring in Indian education system?

ANS: According to me, BMS is all about how you learn to manage different things in business. As a student, I would suggest to reduce the size of the text books and give us matter which is really practical and necessary. Studying more pages and books doesn’t give you knowledge, but studying things which are real makes you intelligent.

Who in your life has influenced the most?

ANS: My brother has influenced me the most.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?

ANS: I’ll advise them that BMS shouldn’t be used only as a degree but something which changes your personality for good.

3 Questions you would like to ask an MBA?

ANS: 1) I would ask them to tell me how they managed their studies and what was their daily schedule? 2) Which is the most important subject? 3) What makes you feel that you’ve taken a proper decision by choosing this course?

What are your future plans? (Your ambitions)

ANS: My ambition is to become the HR manager of the best company in abroad.

Your feedback for

ANS: The site is very useful to us. Well done!




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