Interview with Kashmira Dhuri, BMS Class Representative, V.K.K. Menon College




1) 1 Best Achievement / Skills About You:

Good Communication Skills


2) What is your aim/philosophy of life?

Aim : Clearing BMS with good marks.


3) What are your future plans after BMS?

Doing MBA in HR.


4) What are your hobbies/ likes?

Travelling, Reading books.


5) Any dislikes?

Keeping work pending.



6) Positive/negative things about your college?

The college gives personal attention to every student.

There is no negative thing about the college.



7) Positive/negative things about your BMS course?

BMS improves presentation skills whereas on the other hand, BMS also has more theory subjects.



8) How has BMS course helped you to develop your personality/ What did you learn from BMS?

BMS has helped me to reduce stage fear and develop presentation skills.


9) What are the changes you what to bring in the BMS course?

BMS should have a subject for personality development.



10) Share your favourite BMS / college memories.

My first presentation in FYBMS is my favorite memory as I was very scared and everyone had worked properly. My faculty Mam appreciated my group for the hardwork and I was happy for the same.



11) What are your thoughts/ advices/tips you would like to give to today’s youngsters?

I would like to tell BMS students that the course is very good for improving your various skills and one should go for it. I am enjoying my BMS life and will continue to do so 🙂



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  1. Student doing bms is not big thing .presentation is must thing .but working indivisuals have this quality or skills .added degree will give to students extra milage .that is SAP training .advance person must join SAP….once