Interview with Khadija Qureshi, FYBMS CR, Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute



Name –Khadija Qureshi

College Name – Alkesh  DineshMody  Institute for Financial and Management Studies.

Course Name –BMS

Which year – FY

Tell us about yourself?

ANS:  Hi! Am a person who can spend hours reading books. I like studying theory subjects and I hate maths. I joined BMS because I think management courses have a great scope in the future.

How does it feel to be the Class Representative of the class?

ANS: I feel, being the CR of a class gives you chance to interact with everyone from the class. I have been the CR from the past 8 months. Actually, no one motivated me to become the CR.  I have been appointed as a leader in school many times and am very interested to lead people. So I think this is something which motivated me to be a leader again.

What do you mean by leadership? Tell us about a time / describe a situation when you have        proved you have better leadership skills.

ANS: For me leadership is all about understanding people and motivating them to give their best.  I don’t remember any specific time/situation but I clearly remember, in the last lecture of Business Communication, my Professor had complimented me saying that I have been a very good, punctual leader. He also said that I am among the best CRS’ he has seen till date and that I should continue being like this.

What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

ANS: understanding my companions, knowing their strengths and helping them overcome their weaknesses are some values which I demonstrate as a leader.

Does a leader need to be motivated? How can leaders maintain themselves to stay motivated?

ANS: YES, a leader needs to be motivated. Leaders can help themselves to stay motivated by learning from their past experiences and mistakes, having a good discussion with their teammates.

What is the most difficult part of being a leader?

ANS: The most difficult part of being a leader is appointing work to different individuals as per their capability.

What is your greatest strength and weakness as a leader?

ANS: Motivating people is my greatest strength and appointing work to my teammates is my weakness as a leader.

According to you, what is BMS all about?

ANS: According to me BMS is all about knowing how the business world is!

As a student, what changes would you like to bring in Indian education system?

ANS:  I would like to make certain changes in the cut-off system. Often a student loses a chance to secure admission in a good college just because of some difference in the digits.

Through this struggle and success, what have you learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? What is your message to the upcoming BMS students?

ANS: I think knowing your strengths and weaknesses is very important in any phase of your life. It’s better to compete with yourself rather than competing with others. My message to upcoming BMS students is take part in extracurricular activities, as they help you deal with stress.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?

ANS: i advise students to plan well in advance regarding the college in which they wish to apply, the percentage required and last but not the least, your capability.

Your feedback for

ANS: You guys are doing a great job. The site is always up to date and very helpful. Thanks.



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