Interview with Kunal Ajay Lalwani, Best BMS Class Representative, Sydenham College



1) Achievements:

I have no achievements to flaunt.  Nor do I have any special skills to boast about. Since childhood I was least interested in any of the extracurricular activities and as far as academics is concerned I have always been a good student, neither too good nor too bad.

There is one thing that I can proudly say – I have successfully spread my roots in understanding my family business. I have been investing 8 hours daily out of all the holidays I got since 10th Std.

Apart from this i have keen interest in India(patriotism)  and politics.
I also give in efforts for animal welfare.  Thus I am a member of PETA org (people for ethical treatment of animals)

2) Philosophy and Aim:

My philosophy in life is to “Live n let Live”… My living should not be on cost of someone’s life or pain.

My aim in life is to give people a cheerful reason to remember me.


3) Future plans:

After BMS I have planned to pursue the degree of FBM (family business management) then share a hand with my father in the business.


4) Hobbies:

I don’t have any productive hobby.  When I am free I simply listen music, watch movies, read newspaper and socialize (Facebook, Whatsapp etc.)
I like helping animals, being fit and shopping.


5) Dislikes:

The thing I dislike the most is animal abuse and abuse to my country. Environmental degradation is another thing that I hate.


6) About my college:

My college doesn’t lack any resource and copes up with the top colleges without any hurdle.


7) About BMS course:

Bms course is quiet appropriate for those who do not aim for CA or any other parallel course. It includes overview of all the aspects present in corporate world.
But it would be better if the course gave more opportunities for practical knowledge, exposure towards business world, activities to enhance confidence, speech and personality.


8) How has BMS helped you?

Bms requires max attendance… This ensures that you come to college daily, meet up people, seniors, juniors which in turn helps you in building relations. This is not seen in B.Com.
The presentations in external help a lot in building your personality, facing people, planning, competing and excelling.
The fests that take place every year in various colleges are out of imagination. They offer number of events to show your talent. Simply awesome.


9)  Changes in BMS?

BMS course should have a guidance book for all the teachers. Things are very theoretical. It needs to get more practical because that is what really helps.

Apart from basic bookish knowledge that we learn, BMS must concentrate on teaching us how to apply it in real life.

There is complete loss of entrepreneur spirit. What we are taught is for the job seekers and not job makers. India today needs more job makers.
There is one thing I really hate about this course. There is so much of extra not required subjects and chapters. Its high time that we choose one stream and specialize only in it… But BMS today makes you learn in general too.. Its pathetic. Eg. Html and networking in computer science, biological details of origin of human nature (sperms, ovum, zygote) in human skills etc.

10) Favourite BMS memories?

The first day of bms and we were supposed to be prepared with speech for CR elections.. Surprisingly I was the only one who had prepared a proper speech to woo voters… And then i was complimented by few teachers… The best part was that there after I was called a scholar student in whole class which was ironic to previous me…. Yes bms changed me… Or precisely showed Real Me!


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