Interview with Lalita Rajesh, Co-founder, DanaPaani Retail LLP


Mrs.leena Rajesh



Name: Mrs. Lalita Rajesh  (Co-Founder of DanaPaani Retail LLP)

Company:DanaPaani Retail LLP

Facebook :

Twitter Id: danapaani


Tell us something about yourself?

 My schooling has been modest from Goregaon and graduation from Narsee Monjee College. I am Chartered Accountant by profession and have worked with mid-sized CA firm Natvarlal Vepari & Co. for articleship training. Later, I joined Service Industry and have been working with my current organization for more than 5 years.


Tell us something about your business. 

Everything has become easy these days and is available online. We can shop online for clothes, shoes, order food, pay bills and manage our funds. So, why not have the convenience of grocery shopping online and avail “Heavy Discounts” too.

Our advantage is we can have a much larger customer base than a physical store.

We can offer customers a larger variety and the Best Pricing. And most importantly, our customers shop in the comfort of their Home or Office – 24/7.


What is your philosophy towards work?

 There is only one simple philosophy towards work – Commitment and Hard work.


Whom do you admire as your role model? And why?

 My role model is Ms.Sushmita Sen, an extremely beautiful and talented lady. Success       cannot be always measured by your wealth and fame. What I like the most is her carefree attitude and the fact that her decisions are not driven by public perception.


“Management is core to every individual, organization & society.” Give your views on it.

Business is an ecosystem and not a battlefield. Company is like a community and needs to be managed well.

Leaders need to have a fundamentally diverse understanding of workplace, company, and team dynamics. Natural Creative teams adapt easily to new markets and can quickly form partnerships with other companies, customers and even competitors.

A team well managed creates passionate individual, paramount organization and ever developing society.


Name 3 qualities of prime importance that a businessman should possess.

 People skills, Patience and Analytical skills


According to you, what are the challenges for Entrepreneurship today?

 Today, we face a market which is very competitive and highly vulnerable. But the good part is that the customers are more knowledgeable and prudent.

For Women entrepreneur’s main challenge is balancing work and family especially when you have newly born twins.But I am Thankful to my family and loving husband without whose support I wouldn’t have achieved this success in retail arena.


Can Entrepreneurship be taught in B-Schools/Management Institutes/Colleges?

Yes, but not entirely.


Is the Name of the Institute from where a student pursues his/her Graduation/Post Graduation or other courses important while setting up your business?

Honestly, the quality of learning is more important than the name of the institution where you are pursuing your studies.


Do you think today’s economy is conducive for a new venture to start upon?

Indian economy needs to be relaxed a bit to welcome new entrepreneurs. It is important to exercise controls, but a novice may lose vision and core purpose in the process.


“Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?

Our mantra is “Customer Satisfaction” and earning more automatically becomes an after effect.


Share with us the most enjoyable moment you had experienced on work.

The most enjoyable moment was to have our first customer registration followed by a bulk order. It instigated confidence and is still the best moment.


Your feedback for

I like the activities done by for management students. During our college era, we never had such learning’s from various colleges. Internet is a boon for education field. covers a wide domain of facets like Best Reference Books, resolving Exam related queries, What to do in BMS and what not to, Industrial Visits, Events, College Fests, Guest Lectures and random management related fundas. It is truly a family connecting all BMS members from different places around.

I wish Team all the very best for future endeavors and I am eagerly awaiting few BMS Interns joining and experience learning’s mutually.





History- started its journey on 19th  May’ 2013.


Vision: To become No.1 Online Grocery portal  in India through Consumer satisfaction.



Quality is essence of our business strategy and goal. We ensure consumer satisfaction through continual improvement with a commitment towards Quality, Safety, Service, Integrity and Value.

At Danapaani Retail LLP, we ensure right system each time since our consumers deserve best quality product and service every time.

Products & Service- is an Online E-Commerce Convenience Store. Our aim is to offer you high quality products with minimal effort from consumers at reasonable prices.


MERCHANDISE: offers all categories ranging from Grocery & Staples, Confectionery , Personal Care, Household Supplies , Breakfast & Health Food , Beverages & Syrups ,  Vegetables and adding New Products every day.


DanaPaani USP: Save Valuable Time , Money & Effort , Discounts up to 40%,Exclusive Offers, Cash on Delivery, Convenience & Effortless shopping, 2000+ Product Assortments (Food + Non Food)


Marketing Strategy-Word of Mouth, Corporate,Institutions,Social-Media, TVC, News-Paper, Radio, Bulk SMS,Email & over all 360 Degree Marketing.


Existing Market Presence– Mumbai


Future Plans- To Start Up in nearby cities by Jan 2014.


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