Interview with Malika A. Shaikh, BMS Campus Rockstar, C.K.T. College



Q.1) 5 interesting things about myself

1. Charismatic
2. Loyal
3. Hard working
4. I do what I like
5. Respect to others

Achievements / skills/knowledge :

  10th 55.56 %
12th 61.67%
Cleared 5 th sem of
T.Y Bms 67.77%

Software knowledge

Aim / philosophy in life :
Aim is not decided
But philosophy is..
Do not hurt anyone
Never speak harsh words
Give respect and take respect

Future plans :

Hobbies/likes :
Swimming and watching t.v

Life is very short so I don’t like to dislike anything.

5 fantastic things about your bms life?
1. industrial visit
2. Presentation
3. Group discussion
4. Add mad shows
5. College feast

Positive n negative things about your college.

Strict and it’s good for us.
Its a well maintained good infrastructure college.
Well discipline.
Great teachers who helped a lot.

Positive and negative things about bms course.

I didn’t found any negative things, I found its very great course u can pass easily but only the thing is you have to study and this course encourage you to take a part in other activities also.

How has bms course helped you to develop your personality

With presentation I loose my stage fear,understand a different people while group discussion  whom I never talk.

All bms course activity will help me to become a complete package.

BMS. Polishes skills what we already have.

Your favorite bms / college memories

Industrial visits only

Q.3) 3 amazing tips to youngsters/juniors?

1st understand what you want to do.
When you know what you like and want to do then go for it.
If you are not sure what you want and what you like then wait for things to happen.
U ll automatically come to know.
And you will get the result.

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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