Interview with Manil S Dodani, FYBMS CR, Jai Hind College


Name – Manil S Dodani

College Name –  Jai Hind College

Course Name – BMS

Which year – FY


  • Tell us about yourself

Ans: I have always been a student who is highly geared towards the commerce stream, since Grade 9, studying the IGCSE curriculum handed me the chance to study Business Studies and Accounting at an elementary level, thereby paving my interest towards Management and hence BMS.


  • How does it feel to be the Class Representative of the class? 

Ans: It’s a privilege, to lead a class and represent such a manic mix of students, I have been CR for a little above 6 months now and honestly, it is a very rewarding experience. The chance to network and hone my interpersonal skills, building structures for teamwork, and connect with people spread across diversities.


  • What do you mean by leadership? Tell us about a time / describe a situation when you have proved you have better leadership skills.

Ans: The leader is the person who is the first one to take credit, well jokes apart, a leader in my opinion is someone who can inspire change and usher in a future of positivity in all that he does.

At a time when a more than critical Principles of Management project involving an entire class of 70 people, was to be completed amidst ensuing chaos, power politics and utter confusion, my decision to stand up and bring some semblance of order into a project that was about to take a detour (off a cliff), was when I think I proved my leadership qualities.


  • What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

Ans: Patience, tolerance and the constant urge to work hard and lead the team to victory are at the core of my value set.


  • Does a leader need to be motivated? How can leaders maintain themselves to stay motivated?

Ans:  A leader is a source of motivation and hence for all intents and purposes has to constantly be upbeat and yes, motivated. I’d be lying if I told you otherwise.  Motivation is relative, a cup of coffee and a life goal in sight is enough to motivate me.


  • What is the most difficult part of being a leader?

Ans:  To paraphrase Lance Armstrong, you always have this invisible bulls-eye on your back that differs you from others, for little benefit.


  • What is your greatest strength and weakness as a leader?

Ans: My weaknesses are too radical an approach towards things sometimes. Strength would be my ability to bring order into situations that can drive even the strongest rooted individuals crazy.


  • According to you, what is BMS all about?

Ans: Life Management, nothing else.


  • As a student, what changes would you like to bring in Indian education system?

Get rid of the ‘Indian’ in Indian Education System. It’ll all work, promise.


  • What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?

Ans: Do it if you want to stand out of the crowd and be seen running in and out of lecture halls, internships, (and sometimes clubs) on 8 out of 7 days in a week, (if you catch my drift).


  • Through this struggle and success, what have you learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? What is your message to the upcoming BMS students?

Ans: ‘Labor Omnia Vincit’ – Hard Work Conquers All


  • Your feedback for

Ans: Keep up the content quality and you guys have the stars waiting just for you!



Thanks on behalf of the readers, we wish you the best for all your future endeavors.

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Vanita Godwani
Hello, Vanita Godwani, a fybms student of Jaihind College, hobbies are drawing and helping needy people.I loved being a social media correspondent at .I am interested in pursuing by post graduation and later work in a multinational company being a honest and good high post official


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