Interview with Manisha Punjabi, BMS Campus Rockstar, V.E.S. College



5 interesting things about yourself.

  • I am very jolly and frank.
  • Achievements: Got selected in companies like Jet Airways and Mutooth Finance, got 2nd prize in a college event, I was Event head in SYBMS and hosted an event in TYBMS.
  • Skills/Knowledge: Good in computers, love to learn new things.
  • Aim in life: Want to be a successful woman.
  • Future plans: A great job.
  • Hobbies: Playing games, dancing, singing

5 Fantastic things about your BMS life:

  • I like events, college festivals, parties, learned a lot of things from college professors.
  • Positive and negative things about your college: Amazing faculty but require hygiene in washroom, canteen facilities etc.
  • Positive and negative things about BMS course: BMS course gives us opportunity to know ourselves, gives you a lot of confidence but the negative thing is that so many people discourage that the course has no scope further and no job.
  • How has BMS course helped you to develop your personality : It helped me a lot by giving presentations in front of class which makes us confident and help to develop communication skills.
  • Changes in the BMS course : No changes, it’s simply perfect because we got a pool of subjects to study and that gives us multiple knowledge.
  • Favorite BMS/college memories: Events, college festivals, class arguments with teachers for small things, copying assignments, making PPTs, copying projects and many more.

Your tips to youngsters/juniors?

Just enjoy your bms life but simaltaneously study also.

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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