Interview with Manohar Dilip Dhuri, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, D.S.G. College

Interview with Manohar Dilip Dhuri, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, D.S.G. College of Commerce who scored 70%.
It feels really great to be the topper of my college. Its through sheer hard work and studies that I topped my college. All the success credit goes to my mom. I used to study all the subjects with the help of a timetable and allot equal time for every subject. Coaching classes are required but I did self-studies. I opted for Special Studies in Marketing and HRM because of personal interaction in the subjects. I used to refer to Rishab and Vipul Prakashan textbooks for all subjects. For me, Financial Management was the worst paper because it was tough than ever. Marketing and other subjects were best papers. I never felt study is stress and i take the help of Pranayam and Meditation. Black book projects helps to apply knowledge and give real life experience. After BMS, I am planning to do MBA alongwith internship. Work hard and devote time equally.

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Aishwarya Mehta
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