Interview with Manthan Shah, Best BMS Class Representative, K.P.B. Hinduja College




Q. 1) 5 Interesting Facts About YOU:

1) Achievements / Skills / Knowledge (Academics & Extra-curricular):

2) What is your aim / philosophy of life?

3) What are your future plans after BMS?

4) What are your hobbies / likes?

5) Any dislikes?



1) I had achieved NSS certificate and I had worked in marketing department in college. 

2) My aim is to do MBA in Finance and my philosophy of life is “nothing can be achieved without doing hardwork”.

3) BMS had helped me to build my personality and it had helped me in my communication skills. I had helped me in removing my stage fear.

4) My hobbies are playing cricket, reading books and outing.

5) Nothing.


Q.2) 5 Fantastic Facts About Your BMS Life:

1) Positive / Negative things about your college?

2) Positive / Negative things about your BMS course?

3) How has BMS course helped you to develop your personality? / What did you learn from BMS?

4) Any changes to be done in BMS?

5) Favorite college memories?


1) Positive thing about college is that it gives various chances of proving your talent and your hidden talents. Teachers help in studying and solve our difficulties.

2) Positive thing about BMS is that it helps me in knowing various facts of business life.

3) BMS has helped me in building my communication skills and my personality.

4) More practical knowledge should be included in the course than bookish knowledge.

5) My favorite memory was when I had given my presentation, Shital Mam had told me you had done good presentation which was the biggest moment for me.

Q.3) What are the thoughts / advices / tips you would like to give to today’s youngsters?

Tips to youngsters is never byheart anything and try to explain more. It will help you to gain more knowledge.

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