Interview with Meet Patel, Best BMS Class Representative, K.J. Somaiya College



1) Skills and knowledge:

I am a SALSA professional and teach SALSA. Have good vocabulary skills, management skills and can handle intense pressure.


2) Aim:

My aim is to live the life to the fullest and achieve whatever is my dream.


3) Future plans:

I will be doing MBA and then work experience and my own idealistic business.


4) Hobbies:

I like photography, swimming, dancing, acting, sketching and lots more to go on.


5) Dislikes:

I don’t like irritative people.


6) Positive things about my college:

Very friendly atmosphere, largest campus of Mumbai, sweet faculties and so many tasty foods in canteen for foodies like me.


7) About BMS life:

My BMS class is near to the campus terrace, we can feel the atmosphere anytime. We have a great and smart Coordinator and our Assistant Coordinator are very helpful in any situations we are in. I have learned too many things from BMS, its like how to give presentations, improved my vocal skills for speech purpose, increased my inner confidence for any event or any situations I can handle it. We also have our college festival VIHAAN which is greatest thing happened in BMS.


8) Changes in BMS?

BMS needs to be more practical as there is too much theory. Sometimes I feel we have less hours of studies, so many vacations, so less time spending with friends into the large campus.


9) Favorite BMS memories?

Being a FY student, our seniors were too much helpful to us for settling us down into the exotic world of BMS. I mean they helped us from the day 1 and we were so lucky to get them as our seniors. Thanks to all SYBMS people. Enjoying each moment from day 1 into dreamland BMS, days we celebrate with so many dresscodes, VIHAAN – our college festival’s every moment from preparation till the last day celebration party, presentations, fun during lectures, fun with faculties and afterall friends.


10) Advice to youngsters?

If you are in a category of all rounder person then BMS is authentic place for you because BMS consists of every aspect from theory to practicals.

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