Interview with Mr. Aayan Farooqui, Writer, Puretech Internet Pvt Ltd.


An interview with Mr. Aayan Farooqui, Writer, Puretech Internet Pvt Ltd.
by Nida Shaikh, Content Writer,

Name:-  Aayan Farooqui

Company:-  Puretech Internet Pvt Ltd

 Tell me about yourself.

I am writer, specialize in financial writing. I’m as simple person who loves to take challenges. I have done MBA in Human resource and MA in journalism and mass communication.

Tell me something about your company?

My company (Puretech) is a digital marketing organization specializing in web development and organic search marketing.

What attracted you to this company?

The impressive list of clients and the work culture.

What was the first piece you ever wrote?

The title of the piece was the ‘the dark black cloud’.  It was a reflection of on historical events interwoven with psychological thoughts. Highly praised by well-known writers and academics.

 Where do you get most of your ideas? Or what is your favorite place for thinking?

Observation is the mother of all ideas. Reading? Yes, to a degree. Without keen observation skills it would not have been possible. My couch

 What is your favorite thing you’ve written?

A piece where I describe the real meaning of ‘CSR’ – famously known as Corporate Social Responsibility. The title was sarcastically put as ‘CSR or is it C$R’

How long have you been writing?

3 years now

What made you fall in love with writing?

A gentle push and a lot of convincing from my college professors. Special regards to Nupur Abrol and Christina Castellino and a strong desire to vent my anger at the current scheme of things around.

 Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Converting an audience to a ‘receptive’ audience is by far the most daunting challenge for any writer and I am no exception.

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

Robert Fisk- the foreign correspondent for ‘The independent’

 What are your current projects?

Website content creation for a major MNC beverage producer.

 Do you see writing as a career?

Of course I do. It however must not be seen as a profession but as a ‘passion’.

What’s the scope in the writing field?

The scope is as good as any other field. But it is for those who have a passion and a purpose for writing. One may not get the opportunity to write to their interest, as the demand necessitates supply, patience as a virtue is highly required to excel in this field.

How can one make a career in journalism?

To have a head start in journalism one must do their graduation in ‘Linguistics’ and subsequently enroll in one of the journalism schools run by media companies especially in New Delhi.

 Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Read more, be humble. The latter would be the causation of the former.

 Your message to aspiring content writers?

Read histories as much as you can it will broaden your horizon and will help you understand and analyze the situations in a better and more comprehensive way. Learn to identify biases and prejudices which are subtly included by well-known authors and novelists.

 Your feedback for

Great way of helping Students… Keep the good work Up….

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Hello Eveyone!!! Myself Shaikh Nida , Well im in Royal College pursuing for TYBMS. I would describe my self as a Self confident girl who loves to take up challenges. One of my speciality is that i can work effectively with diverse group of people. I enjoy Dancing, Photograhy and Reading Novels... "Don’t judge me by the mistakes I’ve made, but by what I’ve learned from them. "


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